Learn from my Lumia 920 Newbie Mistake... Take the phone out of the plastic!!

CrackBerry Kevin

New member
May 24, 2011
For a guy who's life revolves around electronic gadgets, I have a knack for making every newbie mistake possible when buying a new device. I like to think of myself as a brilliant beta tester and reviewer, making every mistake an average new owner would. But tonight I was just plain old dumb. Check out the video below to see what just happened with me and my new Lumia 920 I picked up earlier today.

Seriously... take your new Lumia 920 out of the plastic!! Honestly. I fired up the phone and played with it for over an hour with it still in the plastic. I guess just didn't want to risk scratching it yet (while so freshly new), and the device was working fine (or so I presumed) with the plastic wrapper still on, so I just kept on using it.

Then I started to discover what I thought were bugs with the Lumia 920. I noticed when typing in the WPCentral app that the keyboard was closing a lot by itself. Weird. Then I went into the Phone app and hit the voicemail icon, only to find the display turn itself off and not want to come back on. Double weird. I tried again. It kept happening. Then I finally called up Dan Rubino on Skype to tell him about all the bugs I was finding on the new Lumia 920. After a few minutes of going through the bugs, and him trying to duplicate on his end, I turned on the video to Skype to show him.

Then he says to me... "Kevin, did you not take the plastic off the phone yet?" And I was like... "no... I want to keep it fresh"... then he says.. "you freak'n idiot.. no wonder you're having issues. The plastic is covering up the sensor - so it thinks it's beside your face and is turning off the display when you dial voicemail, and that's why the keyboard was closing off too".

I took the Lumia 920 out of the plastic and all the bugs we're magically fixed. Lol. Maybe for the next batch they ship out Nokia could put a little "Please remove plastic before using" sticker on it. I can't be the only person this dumb to do that... or maybe I am?!?!
LMFAO... This totally reminds me of how overly protective my best friend was of her Lumia 710 when she first got it. She absolutely refused to take the plastic off the screen and just about FLIPPED OUT when I was about to do it myself. :P
Leaving the plastic on is habit developed from all my non-touchscreen devices over the years. BlackBerry always used to put a plastic screen cover on the phones they shipped. It wasn't a screen protector, but a clear piece of plastic (meant for removal), but it was thin and held on pretty good and the screen was still visible through it. So I would always try and see how long I could last with that on before it fell off.

I guess I never realized it could impact the performance of the phone like that. I know now!
Hah! I know how you feel. The first night I was taking pictures with my Lumia 920 and thought they looked 'all-right'. It wasn't until a full day later I realized I had left the sticker on the camera lens. Oops.
I don't know if AT&T is selling the 920 with the "don't text and drive" sticker.

When I got my 900, the "don't text and drive" sticker was on the front of the device, so I couldn't even use it without removing the sticker first.
The AT&T Lumia does have the no texting and driving sticker... I still have the plastic on the back of the phone over the camera and the one showing the buttons, USB, SIM and headphone jack placement... should get around to taking that off too, but that's the geek in me wanting to preserve! I can relate to Kev just a tad haha
Oh man... the Lumia 810 comes with that thin film of plastic and, on top of that, a sticker pointing to what buttons did what. I removed the instruction sticker, but I was saving the plastic film until I got out and purchased a screen protector. I haven't had any issues yet but... I guess I'm going to remove the film now :P

Edit: Now the screen is brighter and I can't see fingerprints at all like I thought I would. I feel silly. Thanks for this thread ;)
I still have my don't text and drive sticker on my phone. After reading about the screen scratching issues I'm too paranoid to take it off until my zagg shield gets delivered.
Lol. I've been on CrackBerry all day too. Don't worry. Was in Waterloo this week at BlackBerry HQ. Things are getting ramped up nicely for the launch of BB10!

In the meantime, trying out all the competition.
I still have my don't text and drive sticker on my phone. After reading about the screen scratching issues I'm too paranoid to take it off until my zagg shield gets delivered.

The screen scratches is due to the oleophobic layer on the screen to prevent smudges. You won't scratch the layer if you're not using a knife and starts scratching it. Keys work fine with the screen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The AT&T Lumia does have the no texting and driving sticker... I still have the plastic on the back of the phone over the camera and the one showing the buttons, USB, SIM and headphone jack placement... should get around to taking that off too, but that's the geek in me wanting to preserve! I can relate to Kev just a tad haha

I did exactly the same thing lol
Lol. I've been on CrackBerry all day too. Don't worry. Was in Waterloo this week at BlackBerry HQ. Things are getting ramped up nicely for the launch of BB10!

In the meantime, trying out all the competition.
I'm taking a hiatus from CB. Whether it remains temporary or permanent still is TBD. Some of the fanboys there are too divisive. :(
Lol. I've been on CrackBerry all day too. Don't worry. Was in Waterloo this week at BlackBerry HQ. Things are getting ramped up nicely for the launch of BB10!

In the meantime, trying out all the competition.

I've been waiting for BB10 for so long and I couldn't wait any longer, my 9650 was just so slow, so many black clocks, I snapped and bought a 920 from Rogers two days ago. I don't know if you are having the same problem as me but my battery life is only lasting 9 hours which is terrible in my opinion...I've turned everything off and only have two things running in the background and it is still awful battery life. I still have 13 days to return it as long as I don't use the phone for more then 30 minutes talking, I think I may have to do that and continue waiting for BB10...it's gonna be a long 3 months.
I still have my don't text and drive sticker on my phone. After reading about the screen scratching issues I'm too paranoid to take it off until my zagg shield gets delivered.

I thought I was the only one. I still have my sticker on, been using it for a week now. It feels real good and people have questioned why I still have the "Dont text and drive sticker" on like I have a bad habit. It's only on until I can buy a good screen protector.

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