Testing my Lumia 928 on T-mobile

Nov 20, 2012
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I had a Question...Is it Possible to prevent my Nokia Lumia 928 from messaging people with a 1 in front of the phone number? Like it says 1609-555-5555(not a real number of course). I'd just prefer it to say the standard 10 digit number without the 1!

Mini-Review of the 928 on T-mobile
I am now using my Lumia 928 on T-mobile...I don't care too much about Data. I barely used 4G anyway and that is what Wifi is for and the wifi is unlimited :p

So far the phone seems to be more or less decent with Signal here in my dorm. It does lose signal a little sometimes(like now) but so did my Verizon Sim....I can't wait to test it out in class and the library next few days. If all else fails, I just wasted 50 bucks :p It's 3 am so i haven't actually tested voice quality as of yet to see how it sounds....could be great, could be onpar with Verizon where i had decent quality but dropped calls or it could be worse.

I prefer the 928's looks over the 925 anyway(and it has more storage) and I'll just ETF out and still come out cheaper for the phone in the end than buying a T-mobile Branded Lumia 925...and I am looking forward to saving 40 dollars(the comparable verizon plan costs me 100 dollars and this plan costs me 60 dollars with T-mobile and i ever feel like using Unlimited, I can just bump it up 10 dollars more and get unlimited
(I may switch over their no contract 4G Plans though...I have to see if the coverage is better on the no contract 4G plans vs Prepaid...Not sure how t-mobile prepaid coverage compares to the traditional coverage).

All in all, I hope T-mobile is a perfect fit for this college freshman!


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Dec 23, 2012
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Looks like 1 is the USA country code.
Well, that's the reason behind it. Kind of like here in the Philippines, you dial either 63xxx-xxx-xxxx or 0xxx-xxx-xxxx. Well, I don't know how to get rid of it.

Well, I also hope you're enjoying your 928. Have you tried out Wireless Charging yet? Well, assuming it isn't too much for you to pay.

Looks like I'm overusing the word well today.
Nov 20, 2012
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Looks like 1 is the USA country code.
Well, that's the reason behind it. Kind of like here in the Philippines, you dial either 63xxx-xxx-xxxx or 0xxx-xxx-xxxx. Well, I don't know how to get rid of it.

Well, I also hope you're enjoying your 928. Have you tried out Wireless Charging yet? Well, assuming it isn't too much for you to pay.

Looks like I'm overusing the word well today.
Lol i don't think I've seen the word well used so frequently haha.

But yes I am enjoying it after the fact my first 928 was screwy :)

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