WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!


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Apr 6, 2013
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's not that the chords themselves are complex, they're not. They're just (as with most metal songs) standard power chords.
I read an old interview years ago. When a well-known metal band were recording, the producer would absolutely pay his greatest attention to creating and capturing the perfect sounds of those "power chords", chord by chord, riff by riff... its aural sculpturing.

One interesting bit was they saw no difference between recording metal and electronic synthesiser music... it's all about the prefect riff


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Dec 20, 2012
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

What I have learned in history so far Is that the U.S has some ****Ed up parts in history especially Vietnam. What made me shake my head was when I saw the former advisor to lbj while laughing" we messed up ".

All of US history is ****ed up. Welcome to college, Sahib...

G4 Approved


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Apr 3, 2013
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's not that the chords themselves are complex, they're not. They're just (as with most metal songs) standard power chords. It's that the actual songs are complex as a whole, with these simple power chords all over the place, all up and down the neck of the guitar.

It's like the difference between a classical piece, where you'd have one or two complicated, or complex (6 string) chords versus a metal song where you have 8-10 simple power chords (2-3 string chords) at all different locations on the neck, played very quickly.

With the former, you're focused on precise finger placement for these complex chords, where the latter, the power chords all have the same basic chord "shape" with the fingers. You're just moving your hand up and down the neck to different positions more rapidly. It's more like a workout! lol
I understand. I used to play classical music in an orchestra, Bach, etc. Symphony stuff. Though I didn't play guitar in that I am very familiar with music and it's complexities. I always enjoyed listening to the music and melodies at different levels in it rather than playing it. I was always fascinated with composition.

I can't write music but I was able to read it quite well at one point. I know I'm not tone deaf but to create music and appreciate what you create are two different things.

I still have desires to learn guitar and maybe one day take it up again. Time is my enemy. :/


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Apr 3, 2013
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I had a cold glass coke bottle imported from Mexico! I don't know why but I think coke tastes better in a glass bottle
Coca-Cola taste different in different parts of the world. Different sugars make for a different taste.

Canada, US, UK and Australia all taste different.


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Apr 3, 2013
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

What I have learned in history so far Is that the U.S has some ****Ed up parts in history especially Vietnam. What made me shake my head was when I saw the former advisor to lbj while laughing" we messed up ".
You just realised this now?

Laura Knotek

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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning, Ed.

You're absolutely correct - they don't have a clue at MSFT and the hardware for the 950 is nice. I layer it against my G4 and it is only slightly bigger and wider. It feels very compact, for a big screen phone. My mitts are huge and I can one hand it fairly decently.

I'm headed home tonight and so I'll grab the spare memory card I have. If I'm still having issues with service at the GF's, I may end up switching to the XL quicker than I'd like.

I won't completely knock MSFT though, they are trying. The issue is they're trying to walk a tight rope of satisfying the needs of the consumer of today and getting buy in for the stuff coming in the pipeline. Very difficult to do.

Still...Here's my problem:

iOS debut: summer 2007
Android debut: fall 2008
Windows Phone debut: fall 2010

So you're telling me, we're nearly 6 years in, and the number #3 OS in mobile is still struggling to find traction? How is that acceptable?

G4 Approved
What's to say the 950XL has a better radio than the G4?

Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I read an old interview years ago. When a well-known metal band were recording, the producer would absolutely pay his greatest attention to creating and capturing the perfect sounds of those "power chords", chord by chord, riff by riff... its aural sculpturing.

One interesting bit was they saw no difference between recording metal and electronic synthesiser music... it's all about the prefect riff
Anyone who has an iPhone or iPad and wants to see what an analog Moog modular is like can try this new app.

Moog brings its legendary $10,000 Model 15 synthesizer to the iPad http://www.imore.com/moog-brings-its-legendary-10000-model-15-synthesizer-ipad


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Jul 29, 2013
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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Because I was lazy to get my coffee mug...

Good morning folks!

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