Egyptian unrest affecting Christians there negatively


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Mar 1, 2012
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Reports have come out that protestors in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood have raided and/or burned at least 40 Catholic/Christian Churches plus numerous other Christian buildings (schools, etc.).

It seems that political conflicts has spilled into religious persecution. Of course, this is not unexpected when government is closely linked or based on a religion.

Obviously not all Muslims are bad people, but situations like this continue to place a bad light on the religion and the region of the world in which it came from.

It is sad to see places rich in history constantly go through situations like this.


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Dec 23, 2012
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I've always known of this situation in Egypt, and, truth to be told, I'm really worried about what's going to happen.

The worst case scenario is when this country falls into civil war, which is still likely if the Brotherhood and the Liberals are engaged in a deadlock.


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Sep 27, 2011
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First of all, this shouldn't be any surprise when the army raids mosques on a regular and kills people and then they hear things such as "Christians are mostly doing the killing for the army men to the people in the mosques". When they hear this, of course this will bait some people into doing some church burning, which is exactly what the leaders want! Then they blame the brotherhood for it to be placed on the news. It's all propaganda and everyone is falling for it hook-line and sinker.... The Egyptians are being played like fools and I, as an Egyptian, am so scared for how my country will be in the future...


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Sep 27, 2011
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What I find odd is how little I hear about this story on US, Canadian and British news.

You aren't hearing much until just before the US or Israel want to intervene somehow in the situation, as usual. Egypt's resources only benefit them, if they have a reason to come in, they will do it. It's a build-up to some greater plan, I know it. What baffles me though is how the military keeps saying they aren't killing anyone when I see clear and gruesome images of people dying and getting shot in mosques, or burnt to a crisp...


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Sep 27, 2011
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here is a pic of muslims protecting a church in Egypt

btw the thing is as long as religion exists we will not have peace and people will continue to kill each other due to their religious differences every chance they get.

Thank you for the picture! As for religious differences, I believe it is possible to achieve some sort of compromise but people like to use this difference to gain power through unbelievable means. Egyptian Christians and Muslims have long lived together but it's always been the political parties and stuff to really show that we are "different" when in reality we are all humans... Nowhere in Islam does it preach to kill or treat any human with disrespect and same goes for Christianity. This is getting ridiculous


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Jan 23, 2012
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Whew, it's a good thing the group our president supports, the Muslim Brotherhood, is such a moderate and peaceful group...or else we might have them raping, murdering, and pillaging...or even marking houses with red paint as preparatory work before raiding them! Such "moderate", "peaceful" folks, indeed: In Egyptian village, Christian shops marked ahead of church attack (+video) - So it's a good thing we don't support the violent and vile people out there...


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Sep 27, 2011
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Whew, it's a good thing the group our president supports, the Muslim Brotherhood, is such a moderate and peaceful group...or else we might have them raping, murdering, and pillaging...or even marking houses with red paint as preparatory work before raiding them! Such "moderate", "peaceful" folks, indeed: In Egyptian village, Christian shops marked ahead of church attack (+video) - So it's a good thing we don't support the violent and vile people out there...

I want to ask you something, just because there are some Muslims, if they are even to be considered Muslims anymore, that do this, do you automatically assume it is the MB, or even worse, Muslims that promote this? Even the article says people spread rumors that Christians began this whole thing. Do you not see what political agenda is being ensued? It's all a friggen mind game and you're falling for it easy. You quote an article from which you don't even read with an open mind and pick and chose your own point of view from it. If Morsy and the MB really were this eager to kill people, why not a few months after his election? Why wait a year and not close off ANY of the broadcast that were against him that insult Islam as well?... It's a stupid thing to assume and should not be blamed on any religion. Christians and Muslims have been living together for so long, why is there unrest now? To bring back the old regime of course and did you know Mubarak's trial has him being released now? :-o What a surprise! Wasn't the whole first revolution to overthrow him?... Just think a little

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