I really feel sorry for the BlackBerry people


Mar 17, 2013
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In a way, I feel that the BB10 UI is much like the UI of the Palm Pre. I read an old review on webOSNation a couple days ago and sent the link to a friend of mine via email. Here is my exact quote of my comment to my friend about webOS's UI. "Notice the gestures: swipe up, back gesture, swipe across, half-swipe up, launch-wave. Those sound like a hot mess. If I had to deal with all that, I?d be launching the Pre out the window and happily waving goodbye to it."

Its funny because Dieter (author of said review) works at The Verge. It seems they get people from all over.

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Laura Knotek

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Mar 31, 2012
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Its funny because Dieter (author of said review) works at The Verge. It seems they get people from all over.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!
Maybe he used to work for webOSNation and got hired by The Verge later. I never followed webOSNation, since I've never even played with webOS/Palm devices in stores, and none of my friends ever owned them.

Bee Mon

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Apr 11, 2012
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I feel sad for a friend, she just got a Z10 not long ago. But I feel sorry not because she went with BB, it's how others are treating her because of it. She has always owned BBs before so it's a logical choice for her. But now she's become victimized in her office because of it amongst the many iPhones and the Androids. Everytime people see her using it, they can't stop from making fun of it. Even though she's sick of the jokes, she still loves and wants to keep her phone. But if she doesn't change her phone, her coworkers will continue to harass her for god knows how long. She's doesn't want to make a scene because she needs to work with these people but she's afraid she's gonna blow up soon if they don't stop. Why can't people just let others choose what they like? Why do people have to force someone to like what they like??

Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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I feel sad for a friend, she just got a Z10 not long ago. But I feel sorry not because she went with BB, it's how others are treating her because of it. She has always owned BBs before so it's a logical choice for her. But now she's become victimized in her office because of it amongst the many iPhones and the Androids. Everytime people see her using it, they can't stop from making fun of it. Even though she's sick of the jokes, she still loves and wants to keep her phone. But if she doesn't change her phone, her coworkers will continue to harass her for god knows how long. She's doesn't want to make a scene because she needs to work with these people but she's afraid she's gonna blow up soon if they don't stop. Why can't people just let others choose what they like? Why do people have to force someone to like what they like??
That is sad. Why should anyone care what kind of phone somebody uses? I really don't care what phones people use, since I don't think there is any single perfect phone. What works for one person won't work for another person. The right phone is the one that's right for you, not the one that's right for me.


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Jun 8, 2013
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I've always said from the very beginning of the days of BB10 that going by themselves was a mistake. I always kind of hoped that they would buy a WP license and put WP8 on it. BB could take the enterprise while the other OEMs could take the consumer. I don't think we'll see that happen, but that's what I would like.

I'm gonna be honest, I really really don't like BB10. I owned a Z10 after their fire sale and I hated every second of it (I also own an iPhone with ios 6 and a wooden backed Moto X, so it's not like I only use WP). I find the UI to be very lack luster (something that even Crackberry Kevin said in his last podcast), and I'm really not a fan of the keyboard. I know that some may love it, but I hate that the word prediction covers the letters. Especially on common words, then there's words all over the keyboard.

Crackberry, to me, is a very very sad place sometimes. I don't like BB10 and I have to just be passive-aggressive about everything, otherwise their closed hive mind attacks you. If you remember that Ford QNX-Microsoft sync article, I got into an argument with someone in the comments and he started a thread called (I kid you not) "lets go argue with WPCentral" and called for people to attack us because we were "bad mouthing them". Hell, every time I go there, there's a thread about how there's a conspiracy in the US because BlackBerry wouldn't cooperate with the NSA, therefore that's why it doesn't sell (no, I didn't make that up)

I believe that BlackBerry is in it's last days as a phone maker. T-mobile dropped them, Rogers wouldn't support the Z30, their CEO said that there's a 50-50 chance that he can save the business, they've burning cash and their old phones outsell their new ones 3-to-1. It's a sad day for BlackBerry fans.


Mar 17, 2013
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I've always said from the very beginning of the days of BB10 that going by themselves was a mistake. I always kind of hoped that they would buy a WP license and put WP8 on it. BB could take the enterprise while the other OEMs could take the consumer. I don't think we'll see that happen, but that's what I would like.

I'm gonna be honest, I really really don't like BB10. I owned a Z10 after their fire sale and I hated every second of it (I also own an iPhone with ios 6 and a wooden backed Moto X, so it's not like I only use WP). I find the UI to be very lack luster (something that even Crackberry Kevin said in his last podcast), and I'm really not a fan of the keyboard. I know that some may love it, but I hate that the word prediction covers the letters. Especially on common words, then there's words all over the keyboard.

Crackberry, to me, is a very very sad place sometimes. I don't like BB10 and I have to just be passive-aggressive about everything, otherwise their closed hive mind attacks you. If you remember that Ford QNX-Microsoft sync article, I got into an argument with someone in the comments and he started a thread called (I kid you not) "lets go argue with WPCentral" and called for people to attack us because we were "bad mouthing them". Hell, every time I go there, there's a thread about how there's a conspiracy in the US because BlackBerry wouldn't cooperate with the NSA, therefore that's why it doesn't sell (no, I didn't make that up)

I believe that BlackBerry is in it's last days as a phone maker. T-mobile dropped them, Rogers wouldn't support the Z30, their CEO said that there's a 50-50 chance that he can save the business, they've burning cash and their old phones outsell their new ones 3-to-1. It's a sad day for BlackBerry fans.

I got into an argument over there about how everyone blaming John Legere for dropping BlackBerry from T-Mobile and people from CrackBerry were literally tweeting Legere insults. Not only that people over there got mad because T-Mobile (one of the causes of the subsequent breakup) sent a promotion for BlackBerry users to upgrade to an iPhone in an EMAIL. People started a whole thread about how this promotion hurts them. It was so stupid and I pointed this out too. For every two people that agree with you on a thread on CrackBerry another 20 will come down hard on whatever you say that goes against BlackBerry. Its so frustrating.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!


Mar 17, 2013
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I remember vividly about a thread of how, someone called the FCC about a retail girl who said the Z30 was EOL at her location. He got mad, called the FCC to complain and started a thread about it. That was literally one of the most frustrating thread I was ever part of. People on that thread condoned that the girl get fired for saying it was EOL when 1.) The OP didn't ask what the girl meant by EOL and get the full story 2.) Anything OP said has to be taken with a grain of salt because CrackBerry commentators have exaggerated in the past in my experience and will take words out of context.

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Oct 28, 2013
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I really liked the blackberry 10 user interface and the simplicity of the operations once we hit the learning curve... The biggest problem with blackberry is that they are still thinking they are in the premium league.. The pricing of bb10 was too bad which i feel is the only reason for bb10 not being popular.. If they had priced like the nokia Lumia series... The competition for third place in the market would've been intence

Sent from my RM-885_im_india_249 using Tapatalk

Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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I really liked the blackberry 10 user interface and the simplicity of the operations once we hit the learning curve... The biggest problem with blackberry is that they are still thinking they are in the premium league.. The pricing of bb10 was too bad which i feel is the only reason for bb10 not being popular.. If they had priced like the nokia Lumia series... The competition for third place in the market would've been intence

Sent from my RM-885_im_india_249 using Tapatalk
I think the learning curve was a big part of the problem. Most consumers don't want to spend a long time learning how to use a device, especially here in the US, where a customer only has 14 days to return a device if he/she doesn't like it.


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Apr 6, 2013
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I got into an argument over there about how everyone blaming John Legere for dropping BlackBerry from T-Mobile and people from CrackBerry were literally tweeting Legere insults. Not only that people over there got mad because T-Mobile (one of the causes of the subsequent breakup) sent a promotion for BlackBerry users to upgrade to an iPhone in an EMAIL. People started a whole thread about how this promotion hurts them. It was so stupid and I pointed this out too. For every two people that agree with you on a thread on CrackBerry another 20 will come down hard on whatever you say that goes against BlackBerry. Its so frustrating.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!

I don't know why people take it personally. It's just a phone. Unless you're a shareholder then you better sort your s*** fast!


Retired Ambassador
Jun 8, 2013
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I remember vividly about a thread of how, someone called the FCC about a retail girl who said the Z30 was EOL at her location. He got mad, called the FCC to complain and started a thread about it. That was literally one of the most frustrating thread I was ever part of. People on that thread condoned that the girl get fired for saying it was EOL when 1.) The OP didn't ask what the girl meant by EOL and get the full story 2.) Anything OP said has to be taken with a grain of salt because CrackBerry commentators have exaggerated in the past in my experience and will take words out of context.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!

Geezus, I remember that thread too. I laughed so hard at the thread, just because it was so unbelievable. There's a recent thread about someone going to a Verizon store and how the clerk actually said that they never sell any and he actually recorded the clerks without their knowledge. For one, I'm pretty sure that's illegal, but the sad part was that people were cheering him on.


Mar 17, 2013
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I really liked the blackberry 10 user interface and the simplicity of the operations once we hit the learning curve... The biggest problem with blackberry is that they are still thinking they are in the premium league.. The pricing of bb10 was too bad which i feel is the only reason for bb10 not being popular.. If they had priced like the nokia Lumia series... The competition for third place in the market would've been intence

Sent from my RM-885_im_india_249 using Tapatalk

I do agree about the pricing part. If they had priced the Z30 lower, people would not have been so scared to try it. $50 on contract with a price tag of around $399 or less off contract. $199 on contract with an off contract price of $550+ is doing too much.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!


Mar 17, 2013
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Geezus, I remember that thread too. I laughed so hard at the thread, just because it was so unbelievable. There's a recent thread about someone going to a Verizon store and how the clerk actually said that they never sell any and he actually recorded the clerks without their knowledge. For one, I'm pretty sure that's illegal, but the sad part was that people were cheering him on.

That's the kind of behavior that needs to stop. It does nothing but makes them look bad.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!


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Feb 1, 2013
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Shame, BB10 actually intrigued me, and it would've been nice to have four major ecosystems duking it out, to keep the market fresh with innovation (big win for consumers, no matter what platform you're on).

Sadly, it just seems there's only room for three, and while it's fast improving: Windows Phone is still on shakey ground. So if Blackberry must die, that Windows Phone may live, then so be it.

But as another said: Nokia should offer some sort of trade-in program. Could be a great chance to win over new customers, especially since their resilience to hang onto Blackberry means neither iOS nor Android impressed them.

While I mourn the loss of a pioneer of the smartphone, I also hope Microsoft/Nokia act upon this opportunity to win new customers.


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Feb 1, 2013
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I think the learning curve was a big part of the problem. Most consumers don't want to spend a long time learning how to use a device, especially here in the US, where a customer only has 14 days to return a device if he/she doesn't like it.

Indeed, a problem that currently plagues Windows Phone and Windows 8.

Laura Knotek

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Mar 31, 2012
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Indeed, a problem that currently plagues Windows Phone and Windows 8.

I'd say that's more the case with desktop Windows 8 than with Windows Phone. Most people I've talked to don't consider WP8 difficult to learn how to use. It's the long-time users of desktop Windows who find Windows 8 difficult to use.

I also don't know anyone who has said iPhones/Androids are difficult to use.


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Mar 24, 2012
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I got into an argument over there about how everyone blaming John Legere for dropping BlackBerry from T-Mobile and people from CrackBerry were literally tweeting Legere insults. Not only that people over there got mad because T-Mobile (one of the causes of the subsequent breakup) sent a promotion for BlackBerry users to upgrade to an iPhone in an EMAIL. People started a whole thread about how this promotion hurts them. It was so stupid and I pointed this out too. For every two people that agree with you on a thread on CrackBerry another 20 will come down hard on whatever you say that goes against BlackBerry. Its so frustrating.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!

really? Sympathy for you man. Either way Android and WPcentral and imore are much more peaceful places


Dec 10, 2013
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I'd say that's more the case with desktop Windows 8 than with Windows Phone. Most people I've talked to don't consider WP8 difficult to learn how to use. It's the long-time users of desktop Windows who find Windows 8 difficult to use.

I also don't know anyone who has said iPhones/Androids are difficult to use.

It only took me about a day to figure out how to use the Lumia 520 and that was my first smartphone. Windows 8 is a great OS.

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