Syncing compatible apps


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Nov 21, 2011
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I know that not all apps purchased on WP are available without repurchase on Windows 8, but for those that are, what is the easiest and quickest way to get them onto your PC/W8 tablet? On my Surface Pro, I have been looking around at the apps that have the little tablet-phone logo and say "This app can be downloaded on all compatible devices after purchase". So far, I purchased the Monty Python App and successfully downloaded it on my Surface without repaying, but for many of the other ones, the app says "purchased" when it shows up in search results in the store, but once I click on it to see the description and download, it gives me the options of try and buy. I don't want to risk hitting buy because I know I will probably be asked for payment and can't back out of the purchase :angry: Does anyone know if there is a simple way to sync all the apps you purchased on WP with your Windows 8 device? Even a unified application list. Under "My Applications" in the store, I can't find any of the WP apps that I've bought.

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