Game-hub problem with Xbox profile sync after app-update on WP


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Sep 16, 2012
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I have been in contact with MS support regarding the issue and they cannot help or refuse to, just waste my time.

The problem i have is that my xbox profile will not sync on my WP.
This problem started about a few months ago.

I have tried to reset the phone and then connect my MS account to it again, then the game-hub works and my xbox-stats shows. But as soon as i update the Game-app I`m not synced any more and cannot see the stats.

The phone i have is a Lumia 930, had the same problem on my Lumia 1520.
The problem only accours with my standard MS account. If i use a friends MS account or my other MS account to connect to the phone the Xbox stats/profile syncs when the game-app update is done.

So my own conclutions is that the problem is with my MS/xbox profile?
Because the app works as it should if i use other accounts.
I get the same problem on other phones if i use my standard account.

If i access xbox by browser, xbox-game app Windows 8.1 it works and i can see my stats and so on.

I have 2 questions. What support is responsible for my problem?
Microsoft, Xbox or Windows Phone. Because they all refer to each-other.

I can send links to chatt-transcript if it would help?
Pics before app update and after;

Can someone please help me?
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May 7, 2013
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Only thing I can think to check is your regional settings in your xbox account. e.g time, area etc

Also how old is your account? I had problems with mine (different to yours) support wasn't much good. I fixed mine by updating my Live account. By this I mean when I first set it up I used a username but didn't set up email to the account. So I added an outlook email address to the account and made it my primary alias. This fixed my issues.


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Hey! As far as i can see i have region sweden at (cant make any time settings), but when i check my ms accout time and region is correct, also correct on my phone.
My account is old i guess, was a hotmail account erlier but "change" it to outlook when that came.
I have checked many settings with xbox, MS and WP support but no change.

The strange thing is that it works before i upgrade the game-app.

Everyone att support says different things and say that the problem is app, MS account and Xbox. I get so tired, i have had this error about a year:(


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Can I ask what you mean by upgrading the game-app? I can't think I've ever upgraded the 'game app' apart from with an os update.
Also are you running the developer preview?


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Sep 16, 2012
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Can I ask what you mean by upgrading the game-app? I can't think I've ever upgraded the 'game app' apart from with an os update.
Also are you running the developer preview?

When i restore the phone and start from scratchj som apps need to be updated game, music, setting etc at store. if i dont update the game-app my xbox profile sync fine. But as soon as i update the game-app my xbox profile dont dync any longer.
Yes iam on DP ( i think ), an chatt operator said that DP was the peoblem and that everyone with the problem that i had had DP installed.
( but hoew come that it woeks with other accounts on the DP unlocked phone?).
Anyhow i dowbnloaded the nokia recover tool (now apperently called lumia) as the operator said, but the only version that i could restore to was the same i had on the phone. I restored to the firmare using the tool but no change


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Not sure. The only other thing I can think is a bit drastic. Not sure on the details but you could set up a new account and then transfer your old ones purchases etc to it.
I think it takes a couple of days to fully swap over.

Only problem is this won't necessarily be a fix.

Not sure how you can only 'think' you're on DP though.


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What i mant was that im not sure if im on official release or not since i have reeinstalld the firmware.
The version im on is:
OS: 8.10.14157.200
Rev: 02061.00066.14353.31002 (and this is the same one i get to install if I use the recoery tool).

I also have Another problem (if this is linked to my problem above some how).
If i go to Settings/Keybord and then choose language, i choose only Swedish. After a few Days i get Swedish and English. I then remove English, but after a wile it gets back there again (it Always does).

Copy of one of our chats and accourding to him i have 2 profiles?
But when i get Another operator he says i dont have that.
And Another operator said that i had an US and a SE profile:
"Ion D.: I remember now

Mattias: great

Mattias: I restored the phone using Nokia recover tool (but is called Lumia now), and the firmware that i

had was the same as the one i could restore to

Ion D.: Do you have an Xbox console as well? or you play only on your Windows Phone?

Mattias: I have had an Xbox console erlier (but no longer). I had a Xbox one and an Xbox 360. the strange

thing is when i was logged in at the 360 it showed me Another Point on my Xbox profile then it did on my

Xbox one and phone and account online

Ion D.: Also are you on 8.0 or 8.1 OS version?

Mattias: it showed 700 something when i had 1400. OS 8.1

Ion D.: It seems you had 2 different gamertags on different devices

Mattias: OK, so thats the problem. Can you delete one of them? will my pursase history still exists if you

delete one?

Ion D.: let me check

Ion D.: just a moment please

Mattias: yes

Ion D.: before that may I ask you first

Ion D.: After Nokia recovery did you sync your phone with your accounts

Mattias: Both yes and no. The first time i dident sync, updated the game app and then the game app dident

work as it should any longer. So then i made a reset and choosed a profile from my old accounts with

settings and apps

Mattias: Short. It does not matter if i Make a "Clean" start or not with settings/apps on the phone. As soon

as i update the game-hubb the problem accours

Ion D.: Just talked to my manager, the Xbox should have access to your both Xbox accounts and

(gamertags). This issue it's totally not related with your Windows Phone.

Would you be helped if i Send you a link to the documents I have with the chatts i have had the latest Days?
I can send link to these in private message (i Think, cant do it here in forum since i dont have 10 posts).

Regarding the shift of accounts that you describe, how do i proceed with that? Will my Xbox friends, score also be transfered?


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May 7, 2013
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You can look in up on xbox support pages. Search for transferring accounts or something similar. Think you set up a new account first and then transfer everything to it.

Yes the shift of accounts takes everything over

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