Error code 0x80070490 on both Lumias!


New member
Jul 23, 2015
When I sync it says NOt-Up-to_Date - bougth a brand new Lumai phone last week doing the same thing - I can only update manually and won't do it auto but even when it's done attempting to sync it says not up to date as if it's not connected tried wifi and Data every other mail works ( other outlook,gmail, yaoo etc ) and now that I have Win 10 the newer mail client is doing the same thing in the Mail App when I sync this Error code 0x80070490 comes up as well !!! Any suggestions ?? Ran this by Microsoft from Sept to Jan and got nothing but a random email stating they were still looking into it ! for 8 months!

Whats baffling and a **** off! Is when I use the account as a secondary it syncs fine. And use another email when I reboot the phone. So it can't be the account or it wouldn't sync at all. I wouldn't care except I have made years of purchases with this account that ties my desktop , tablets and phone purchase through the Windows store and my Xbox Live.

I have exactly the same problem and it looks like MS knows about it since a few weeks. Always the same symptoms:
- no error when using it as a secondary account
- hard reset doesn't help, you can make the sync on every single MS device fail, if you install it with your account as primary account
- create a new account and it works! but that's not a real solution because of all your apps...
- usually, mails, contacts and the calendar are synced even when the error occurs. this, together with the account working as secondary account, means that the error is related to some other stuff which get synced.

I have a link to a thread in the german MS forum which also describes the issue, but I'm not allowed to post links here because I need at least 10 posts here....
The guy in that forum posted a message from MS support related to this issue:

I have contacted the development team and it seems like the issues seems a bit complex which is why it is taking longer. Note that the issue happening with few others customers so the team is working for a complete resolution.

So there is at least some hope...
I've been struggling with this same error message since installing the beta Windows Mobile 10 on my Lumia 1520 several months ago. I was getting the same message on my laptop as well but I wiped it clean (reset it) and the laptop doesn't present the error any longer, only the phone. If Microsoft is listening, they're not saying much. If anybody has a fix please reply back. Thanks in advance
I've had this issue for the past 3 months, both on Windows 10 (any device running it, including phone, laptop, and PC), as well as on Windows Phone 8.1. I've given up on them ever fixing it at this point.
I have the same problem, coming from a 1520 with the error (in both Mail and People app) and now a fresh (non-restore) 950 XL still the same error, Mail and People app seems to sync anyway.

However, when first setting up my 950 XL, many of my contacts were missing and failed to return after 24 hrs so 2 hard resets later and they are finally back. Not sure if this is related but it is a syncing issue.
I have same problem on L950, L1020, L925, L820... windows 10 and windows 8.1... :(

Error code 0x80070490


I have a problem on the listed devices!
Lumia 950 (no windows insider) 10586.164 windows 10
Lumia 1020 windows 8.1 last update
Lumia 925 windows 8.1 last update
Lumia 820 windows 8.1 last update
I've done all and the problems still exists;
-synchronized outlook (settings, email+ac... ) error 0x80070490
-soft reset error 0x80070490
-remove the battery (not on lumia 1020 and 925) error 0x80070490
-I did a hard reset, and afther all good (apps, mails...), contacts sync error 0x80070490
So, last hope is WDRT (windows device recovery tool), ok! I tried that, with all my devices, and start from beginning... region, user mail, password... on all my lumias!!! Synchrnized all... apps, mails.. but contacts still have same error code 0x80070490.
Same problem, same wifi I guess, so two motivation:

Outlook app not updating on al phones due to store iussue
MS area server not working

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