Reputation & Post Ranks

Rich Edmonds

PC Editor
Dec 13, 2010
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Hello everyone!

Two quick updates have been applied to the forums:
- Reputation system enabled
- Post Ranks listed and images added

You will now see a green square within the mini-profile of each post's author. This represents that user's positive reputation (the more green squares they have, the more reputable that person is), should they one or more red squares then they have received negative reputation due to breaking rules, offending other members, etc.

This system will work alongside the "thanks" feature and can be used to provide positive or negative feedback on a post without 'thanking' a user. To provide reputation (be it negative or positive) you can simply click on
at the bottom left of the post you wish to apply it to.

Please feel free to provide feedback on both reputation and thanks features, whether you feel that we should only have one or if you have any questions. You can opt out of the reputation system at any point via your user control panel. Note: You will still receive negative and/or positive reputation, but your current level will not be displayed in posts and your profile to the public.

Post Ranks
In many communities there are ranks that clearly display the level of participation a user has reached and is displayed in the public eye in the form of badges or images. wpcentral doesn't have such system, until now. We have implemented post ranks that are automatically updated once you reach the required amount of posts. Stars are displayed on your profile and within threads, which other members can quickly view to see your level of contribution.

Don't hesitate to contact myself or another member of the team for more information or should you have any questions. You can also reply to this post to encourage discussion.

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Nov 27, 2010
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It's A Good Thing

I feel that this is definitely a good direction that we are heading in. It is nice to see what kind of credibility members have.

I have begun to give reputation input with comments at times. I only write things that I would not be ashamed to tell someone face-to-face. I am wondering though: How are the comments received? I am assuming that they end up at a member's control panel, but are they anonymous? Are they linked to the specific post that the comment was referrencing? Also, how many positive or negative reputation inputs does it take to see a change in status?

I'm really mostly just curious, but I feel others may have the same or silimal questions. I feel that this system, if used properly, could really improve the overall effectiveness of this forum, and in doing so, could potentially increase the validity of Windows Phones by helping people get the most out of their device.
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Rich Edmonds

PC Editor
Dec 13, 2010
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Thanks for the feedback :) To answer your questions:

How are the comments received? I am assuming that they end up at a member's control panel, but are they anonymous?
You are correct, the most recent received reputation (I believe it's last 5 or 10) is displayed in your UserCP home, accompanied by comments (if left by provider) and the user who gave you the reputation, whether it was positive/negative and a link to the thread.

Are they linked to the specific post that the comment was referrencing?
Indeed they are, see above :)

Also, how many positive or negative reputation inputs does it take to see a change in status?
The ranking system used for reputation is as follows:
-99999 : is an idiot
-50 : can only hope to improve
-10 : has a little shameless behaviour in the past
0 : is an unknown quantity at this point
10 : is on a distinguished road
50 : will become famous soon enough
150 : has a spectacular aura about
250 : is a jewel in the rough
350 : is just really nice
450 : is a glorious beacon of light
550 : is a name known to all
650 : is a splendid one to behold
1000 : has much to be proud of
1500 : has a brilliant future
2000 : has a reputation beyond repute

Each reputable rank increases the icons that are displayed in your profile and topic mini-profile.

Hope that helps :)

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