1520 digitizer replacement video


Mar 31, 2012
I'm looking at getting a 1520 with a broken digitizer for cheap. Does anyone know of a digitizer replacement video? I see the digitizers are about $50 which is dirt cheap. If anyone has a video that shows replacement please post it here.


New member
Oct 14, 2013
I'm looking at getting a 1520 with a broken digitizer for cheap. Does anyone know of a digitizer replacement video? I see the digitizers are about $50 which is dirt cheap. If anyone has a video that shows replacement please post it here.

I believe those digitizers are incomplete. They do not have the three home button cable attached. It basically a piece of useless piece of glass for 50$. I've been burned before buying a digitizer like that.
I bought a damaged 1520 and am also looking for a quick repair since the LCD is still good.A digitizer that works it will need to have extra copper looking ribbon cables on the back side of the home buttons. I have yet to find one unfortunately.


New member
Oct 14, 2013
I learned that the digitizer is glued/bonded to the LCD. So this means we can't use those 50$ digitizers on eBay and amazon :-(
Hopefully they will come out with a cheaper replacement soon.


New member
Nov 27, 2011
I learned this as well. I bought the $50 digitizer and then got the whole phone apart and broke the LCD trying to get the digitizer off. They are bonded much thinner and tighter than other lumias. They are selling screens already put together for around $300, but I sent mine to palco and they put a new screen in for $195, just got it back they did a good job. As for the copper strips for the buttons, that is not true, I bought one of those digitizers and it is the same. As the one that I ripped off.


New member
Oct 14, 2013
I heard about palco but was unsure of the quality. Thanks for the input. I'll be sending mine there too.
How long did it take?


New member
Nov 27, 2011
They did great work, I sent them the phone in peaces and it only took them three or four days once they got ahold of it. They ship fed ex back to you. That were also quick to respond to emails so CE I was so impatient

Donny James

New member
Jun 13, 2013

For those brave enough to attempt.

Note: This is very hard to do. Removing the battery can break the LCD.
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New member
Jun 13, 2014
You can separate the LCD from the digitizer using a heat plate machine. The phone is mounted on it and it just pulls the lcd from under the digitizer. Just like rubbing your palm horizontally. I got my 720 digitizer/glass replaced in a similar manner. A special liquid was available with the repair guy which rebonded the LCD with the new glass. Got the digitizer from eBay at 30 bucks approx.

Brad Larson

New member
Nov 8, 2014
I am curious if you were able to get the digitalizer you got on ebay to work on your 1520
mine should be in the mail today ,, I do have that fine wire to remove the digtalizer

no video of it has been posted anyplace on the 1520 of successful replacement of just the digtalizer and not the complete LCD replacement as well

thanks in advance for your reply

Brad Larson

New member
Nov 8, 2014
The 1520 is a bit different than most phone screens I have repaired ,, I searched and didn't find video for a digitizer replacement procedure (glass front top and bottom glass on the 1520) , I was able to buy one pretty cheap so I decided I had nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving it a try ,,I contacted several phone repair shops to get some consulting , no one was able or willing give advice on how to remove it ...

Here is what worked for me , lots of vids out there to remove the back so I wont go into details on that ..
I made a fixture on a board to hold the phone with sheet metal screws vacuum hose around them would be good too ( very careful to not get it too tight ) you have to work out the details , the next one I do I will make a youtube video ,, ( I would have done a video but I had no idea how I was going to do it )
The phone actually has a 2 glass layer digitizer thicker glass on the outside and a very thin glass against the LCD

I had a friend with a heat gun and a laser temp gun sensor making sure the temp didn't go over 80 c as I had a fine phone wire to separate the top glass from the bottom glass of the digitizer ( the fine phone repair wire available on the ebay or amazon )
might be better if you can go directly to the bottom glass but for this first op (no Idea if this is possible ) I took the top glass off first and then the glue .
(not an awefull task but care must be taken not to break the LCD of course )
the bottom glass next to the digitizer is a very difficult task , the glue on the one I have was not that tuff but very sticky ... the big problem is the bottom glass is so thin that you cant use a phone wire. the glass keeps breaking off ,, so I did it the hard way with a razor as it broke away as I got the razor under it .. if you can find a brass razor would be awesome ..unless you went right to the bottom layer but I think maybe the heat transfer may not work as well if you don't take one layer off at a time .. would love to hear other success stories of course.
very painstaking task as it took a long time for me
I used nail polish remover to remove the glue residue ,, it worked for me , maybe some way better chemical but I have an idea the LCD is very fragile so I kept pressure to a minimum ..
The wire with chip on it that connects the digitalizer to the logic board just pulls out of the connector but the chip on the wire is glued to the frame of the phone .. to remove that connection you must remove the Logic board .. (videos out on youtube to remove ),, the battery does not have to be removed ..
I am guessing its not cost effective for a phone repair shop to attempt this cause it too me several hours of careful work and would be very easy to make a mistake .. would love to hear about a procedure that is easier ...
and would love to hear other success stories too ..
This is home style repair that worked for me


New member
Aug 14, 2014
I learned this as well. I bought the $50 digitizer and then got the whole phone apart and broke the LCD trying to get the digitizer off. They are bonded much thinner and tighter than other lumias. They are selling screens already put together for around $300, but I sent mine to palco and they put a new screen in for $195, just got it back they did a good job. As for the copper strips for the buttons, that is not true, I bought one of those digitizers and it is the same. As the one that I ripped off.
from your experience do u think I could easily remove the very top glass from my 1520 and simply replace that, and not the digitizer or LCD...i only want to remove and reapply top glass , NOT the digitizer LCD or any other vital components just the glass sitting atop the phone... do u think I could do it without hurting the digitizer underneath???


New member
Apr 21, 2015
Same problem here, I just want to change the glass. Not the LCD, not the digitizer, but the glass only.
Everything is working fine, screen and touch.
Can we change only the glass ?


The sad reality is this stuff is VERY thin. The digitizer itself is thinner than an egg shell and is glued to the glass. This assembly is then glued to the LCD. Using a separator machine you will peel the glass/digitizer off the LCD as a unit every time. Even at this point with proper equipment removing the digitizer from the screen is nearly impossible.

They sell the glass only because you will buy it, then pay again for the glass/digitizer.

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