25GB or 5 GB?

Umm Yeah

New member
Jun 11, 2011
When I first got my WP7 phone, I set up a Skydrive account and it was 25GB. I had to return the phone (temporarily while waiting on Mango) and now when I log in, it says it's only 5GB. Is the 25GB account strictly tied to having an active WP7 phone or did they just downsize Skydrive?
Its 25GB. 5GB is the live mesh limit.

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My skydrive also says 5GB. I currently have a WP7 device linked to it and I also swear it used to say 25GB. Unless they changed it to say 5GB until you reach that limit, then it will upgrade you to 25GB. Not sure???
It's how jasqid said. 25 GB is your SkyDrive limit, things you upload, pictures, music, whatever you want in there. 5 GB is your Live Mesh limit, which is a service that keeps some folders and files synced between multiple computers and that 'cloud' space.
If you want 25GB with a WL Mesh type service. Try useing SD explorer. It turns your SkyDrive into a drive on your computer that you can drag and drop files into.
If you want 25GB with a WL Mesh type service. Try useing SD explorer. It turns your SkyDrive into a drive on your computer that you can drag and drop files into.

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