5Ghz \ 2.4Ghz Wifi with same SSID causes battery drain on W10M


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Oct 9, 2012
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I recently switched broadband providers (TalkTalk in the UK) and received a new 5Ghz Wifi router. Previously I had only used 2.4Ghz routers in my house.

A few days after I had been using the router, I noticed that the battery life of my Windows Phones running W10M (Lumia 930 and Lumia 830) was draining very quickly when on standby (around 6-15% per hour). The only Windows Phone that wasn't affected was another Lumia 830 that's on WP8.1.

My immediate thought was that it must be something wrong with the new router, as it's the only thing that's changed.

After a bit of testing I found that the router was broadcasting the same Wifi SSID (identification name) for both the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands.

I have since changed the SSID's for both bands so that they are different to each other. After doing this and re-connecting Wifi on both the Lumia 930 (to the 5Ghz band) and Lumia 830 (to the 2.4Ghz band), the excessive battery drain is no longer an issue, with both phones draining around 1-2% an hour when on standby. The Lumia 830 that is running WP8.1 was not affected, as it didn't have a battery drain issue to start with.

I have re-tested the issue to confirm that it exists. When matching the SSID's for the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands the battery drain is back up to around 6-15% when on standby.

It looks like W10M might have an issue with routers that broadcast the same SSID for both bands. Hopefully this will help somebody who is having unexplained battery problems since upgrading to W10M.

Maurizio Troso

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Aug 22, 2014
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I recently switched broadband providers (TalkTalk in the UK) and received a new 5Ghz Wifi router. Previously I had only used 2.4Ghz routers in my house.

A few days after I had been using the router, I noticed that the battery life of my Windows Phones running W10M (Lumia 930 and Lumia 830) was draining very quickly when on standby (around 6-15% per hour). The only Windows Phone that wasn't affected was another Lumia 830 that's on WP8.1.

My immediate thought was that it must be something wrong with the new router, as it's the only thing that's changed.

After a bit of testing I found that the router was broadcasting the same Wifi SSID (identification name) for both the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands.

I have since changed the SSID's for both bands so that they are different to each other. After doing this and re-connecting Wifi on both the Lumia 930 (to the 5Ghz band) and Lumia 830 (to the 2.4Ghz band), the excessive battery drain is no longer an issue, with both phones draining around 1-2% an hour when on standby. The Lumia 830 that is running WP8.1 was not affected, as it didn't have a battery drain issue to start with.

I have re-tested the issue to confirm that it exists. When matching the SSID's for the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands the battery drain is back up to around 6-15% when on standby.

It looks like W10M might have an issue with routers that broadcast the same SSID for both bands. Hopefully this will help somebody who is having unexplained battery problems since upgrading to W10M.

Try setting manually wifi transmission channel. Start first with both extreme (e.g. 1 or 13) then try central, and check

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