loaded .7
I loaded it too, can't tell if anything got better. The problems I have are the bluetooth disconnects after a couple of minutes, I can reconnect more easily, doesn't say lost sequence anymore, just lost connection but it is not stable enough to bother with. Does anyone else see the wifi turn itself off constantly when the Redfly is connected? It has not one time ever turned itself off when the Redfly is not connected but it just keeps turning the wifi radio off when it is. I am in a fringe area where the cell radio keeps switching from EVDO to RevA to 1X however since it never happens unless the Redfly is connected it has to be related to the Redfly. Also even turning off the cell radio completely doesn't seem to help, strangely I have not seen anyone else complain about this which worries me, I also do not use TouchFlo3D, ever. I have the Alltel version which is apparently just like the Sprint version. Cuz