830 and Developer Preview

Jason Gilbert

New member
Oct 2, 2013
So I got an 830 from AT&T on Friday and love it. But I'm confused about DP.

Prior to the 830, I was running a 520 with DP and the latest version of whatever had been pushed out to the DP 520s. (No, I never did revert back to 8.0 to get Cyan. I just waited it out until MS resolved the whole bit locker issue and I got Cyan anyways.)

Shortly before getting the 830, I backed up the 520. The very first thing did with 830 was restore the 520 backup. I noticed that DP was included in my apps after I restored the backup, but I never ran it. I just did a long press and deleted it.

But now there is a whole list of apps that say that were on my 520 that are not available for my 830. Granted, most if them look like old stuff that I downloaded for my (even older) 900, but still weird.

So my questions:

How can I tell for sure if I am or am not running the DP?

If I'm not running the DP, is there any point in doing so? I thought Denim was the latest greatest stuff. Also, I like how the 830 runs and I'm not all that inclined to tinker with it.

Any thoughts appreciated.
If I'm not mistaken, the only way it would be registered in the Developer Preview is if you had installed the app and agreed to join the Developer Preview Program again from the 830. I'm almost certain it's device specific and not user specific and yes, Denim is the latest but there may come updates via DP that you won't receive unless (I am assuming ATT) issues an update for your phone relating to the OS beyond OEM Denim.
Thanks Cycling Guy. That's kind of what I suspected, but I wanted to make sure I'm not missing something.
I haven't been able to install the developer prview on my 830. I keep getting the 801881e1 error :/
Question: If I was on DP and when I get a 830 how would I get my 830 to restore my DP backup? Should I skip restore when I start 830 for the first time, install only "preview for developers" and update 830 to DP and then do a hard reset and finally restore the backup from my old phone? Or is there a better way?

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