A few issues with the Trophy - are these typical?


New member
Nov 5, 2011
Now that I've had the Trophy for a week, I have a better sense of how it operates on a daily basis. There are many things I like about the Trophy, but there are also a few things that seem a little surprising in a negative sense, especially relative to the Droid 2 (Android). I want to find out if these negatives are typical:

1) When I access the Local Scout tile, as often as not it says Bing Maps is not available. Is this typical? I'll note I live on the 9th floor of a 16 floor apartment building and work on the top floor of a fairly new, 8 floor U.S. government building (and do not sit by a window in the latter case). I've had issues accessing the content of the Local Scout tile in both locations.

2) My battery life with light to moderate use averages about a day, which isn't too bad but is probably a bit worse than my Droid 2 was with its original battery. It takes a hit when I'm physically at work (the same is true with the Droid 2 but the discrepancy doesn't seem as big with the Droid 2). Is the battery life I'm describing typical?

3) I've tried accessing a message board (not wpcentral) through the Trophy and I only have partial access; no matter what I try to do to bring up a particular web page that contains the all the threads, I cannot do it.

4) I was having problems downloading graphical content in e-mails I'd received through my Hotmail account, but after resetting the phone this morning it looks like that issue has been resolved. The other three issues above have not though.

The above factors (especially 1, 2, and 4) make me wonder if the antenna in my HTC Trophy is a little weak. I'll note I haven't had any problems downloading items via a 3G connection.

One other question - I've noticed there is a notification light for missed phone calls. Is there any way to get a notification light for received but unread e-mails? Any feedback would be appreciated.
Now that I've had the Trophy for a week, I have a better sense of how it operates on a daily basis. There are many things I like about the Trophy, but there are also a few things that seem a little surprising in a negative sense, especially relative to the Droid 2 (Android). I want to find out if these negatives are typical:

1) When I access the Local Scout tile, as often as not it says Bing Maps is not available. Is this typical? I'll note I live on the 9th floor of a 16 floor apartment building and work on the top floor of a fairly new, 8 floor U.S. government building (and do not sit by a window in the latter case). I've had issues accessing the content of the Local Scout tile in both locations.

2) My battery life with light to moderate use averages about a day, which isn't too bad but is probably a bit worse than my Droid 2 was with its original battery. It takes a hit when I'm physically at work (the same is true with the Droid 2 but the discrepancy doesn't seem as big with the Droid 2). Is the battery life I'm describing typical?

3) I've tried accessing a message board (not wpcentral) through the Trophy and I only have partial access; no matter what I try to do to bring up a particular web page that contains the all the threads, I cannot do it.

4) I was having problems downloading graphical content in e-mails I'd received through my Hotmail account, but after resetting the phone this morning it looks like that issue has been resolved. The other three issues above have not though.

The above factors (especially 1, 2, and 4) make me wonder if the antenna in my HTC Trophy is a little weak. I'll note I haven't had any problems downloading items via a 3G connection.

One other question - I've noticed there is a notification light for missed phone calls. Is there any way to get a notification light for received but unread e-mails? Any feedback would be appreciated.

3. You can use Board Express Free by Tapatalk to access message boards. I don't think message boards are meant to be viewed on mobile phones, but this app is great.

I would try dialing *228 and press 2. This will update your software to the latest Verizon towers. Just a suggestion.
The trophy does have a weak antenna. That is the major issue I have with this phone. When I'm at home and work I have a difficult time streaming YouTube and call quality is poor at home. This is the only area where the Motorola droid I had prior outperforms the trophy though.

Sent from my Windows 7 Phone using Board Express
One other question - I've noticed there is a notification light for missed phone calls. Is there any way to get a notification light for received but unread e-mails? Any feedback would be appreciated.

Not currently. Hopefully that will be addressed with the next update.
The trophy does have a weak antenna. That is the major issue I have with this phone. When I'm at home and work I have a difficult time streaming YouTube and call quality is poor at home. This is the only area where the Motorola droid I had prior outperforms the trophy though.

Sent from my Windows 7 Phone using Board Express

Thanks for sharing your experiences with the Trophy. The weak antenna (or at least weak antenna relative to the Droid 2) is one of the few negatives I'm seeing with the Trophy (albeit that's not an insignificant weakness), but it's one that I'm almost definite is hardware-related, not software-related. The WP OS isn't perfect, but I (like most people, from what I've read in various, recent articles) do think it is better than Android OS.

What's interesting to me is that 1) many people have said the Trophy has a poor camera and 2) some people are unimpressed by the Trophy's display. However, from my own experience the Trophy has a very good camera compared to the Droid 2 (which has a poor camera) and to me the display is very sharp on the Trophy, much sharper than I what I see on the Droid 2. Mind you, the Trophy is a newer device than the Droid 2, but it isn't all that much newer (the Trophy originally came out in late 2010 in Europe while the Droid 2 came out in August 2010 in the U.S.). I'll be very interested in seeing how good future, higher-end Windows Phones, especially those on Verizon, will look.
I had the original droid and reception is really the only area where it is better than the trophy. I think the cameras are comparable, but I can quickly access the camera on the trophy whereas on my droid I was lucky for it to work in time to take a picture. I really love this phone and I hope to stick with WP7. I love the smoothness and beauty of the os. Android can't compare imo.

Sent from my Windows 7 Phone using Board Express

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