A funny thing happend to my Office2010


New member
Mar 13, 2011
I went to open Office2010 from my desktop today and it threw me for a loop that wasted a better part of my day. Opening the short cut opens an Office365 tab in IE, not full fledged web app mind you but an ad page. I can get to documents I had stored in the cloud before my $7 a month subscription disappeared(?). I looked in file explorer and could not find Word, Excel, PowerPoint or OneNote and OneNote has vanished from my taskbar.

I tried to do a repair from Programs in the control panel but it was getting stuck around 60% on the progress bar. Restart.. Combing through various forums I found I was able to download an image (having the product key; having the disc did me no favors as selecting repair put me in the same boat).After several tries using the download and several restarts I got the progress bar to fill in its entirety where it froze yet again. Restart.

I don't know why it occurred to me but I decided to search from the Start screen and behold! There are my prodigal Office applications, not linked to their shortcut on the desktop where they belong, not even in File Explorer but listed after many neutered metro/modern apps.

Microsoft, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping me chained to my pc for the better part of the day and for no good reason. :P
Something must have changed. Did you have any apps, or did you install a second version of your office? Did you see it located in add remove programs? Have you run a virus check to see if anything funny is going on.

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