After build 10586? Only patches?

Amit Mishra3

New member
Mar 10, 2014
Let me elaborate my confusion... We would likely get build 10586 today which is full OS update n as far as I know RTM/official release... Now MS won't stop releasing updates so updates which we will get in future will they be full OS update? Or small patches of 20-30-50 MB to fix issues? The full OS updates are around 600-700MB which are headache for ppl with limited broadband speed quota.. Plus after updating through patches resetting is not necessary but after full OS update resetting the phone is recommended.


Active member
Nov 12, 2012
MS is going to continue improving Windows 10 on PC and Mobile.

There may be security and bug fixes on Mobile, but they'll probably stick to the production/public, slow, fast rings of Insider.

As for PC, we have our mix of everything.