After update: ntoskrnl.exe missing

Mark F24

New member
Oct 12, 2014
After update two days ago to 10586.420 I get a blue screen saying:

A device isn't connected or cannot be accessed. Error 0xc000000f

I choose F4 to start in safe mode (an option on said blue screen) and get the following error:

Your PC needs repair, OS couldn't load because kernel is missing of contains errors,
File: C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe
Error 0xc0000098

I have found something at MS to run

bcdboot C:\Windows /s C: /f ALL
C:\Windows\System32\bcdboot C:\Windows /s C: /f ALL

from the CMD prompt using a W10 install disk but the top command just sits on a blank blue screen and the second command returns the same error.

I removed the HD and can look at the files using another PC, the file ntoskrnl.exe is there, I just cannot replace it. I tried to use the one from another PC running W10 10586.420 but the system will not allow me to delete the file, even on the D drive when my PC uses the C drive.

Anyone have a link to a good fix for this, I don't want to reinstall, it is an older HP if that matters.
Hi, a couple of things worth running for hard drive problems are :-

1. Hard drive diagnostic tool, preferably the manufacturer diags e.g. Seagate, Western Digital, etc.
2. Run chkdsk /F to repair Windows errors on the hard drive, from the W10 install disk or with the Hard drive connected to another PC.

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