Alternate way to hard reset windows phone

If you can access the phone... Use Factory Reset via the About section in settings and "reset my phone" button.

If you can not access the device try a Hard Reset via physical buttons. Power down the phone. Hold Volume Down and tap Power until you see this screen:

Then tap Volume Up > Volume Down > Power > Volume Down and the phone flashes the OS version stored in memory (same as Factory Reset).

If neither of these is available, use one of these tools and a USB connection to a PC with internet access: How can I recover/reset/restore my phone software? - Microsoft - USA
"Then tap Volume Up > Volume Down > Power > Volume Down and the phone flashes the OS version stored in memory (same as Factory Reset)."
I see the Exclaim screen. However, when I tap Vup, Vdown, power, vdown my phone start as normal. What is my problem? (my phone 920, Winphone 10 TP)
"Then tap Volume Up > Volume Down > Power > Volume Down and the phone flashes the OS version stored in memory (same as Factory Reset)."
I see the Exclaim screen. However, when I tap Vup, Vdown, power, vdown my phone start as normal. What is my problem? (my phone 920, Winphone 10 TP)

I'm not sure, unless you are pushing the Power button too long or too hard. It is a very quick and light Tap. Win 10 TP may have something to do with it... I'm not testing Win 10 Mo right now so I can't say. I never tried a button press Hard Reset on 10.

You could always use a reset tool and go back to 8.1: How can I recover/reset/restore my phone software? - Microsoft - USA

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