Am I the only one?


New member
May 15, 2013
For a long time I thought my problem was that I was using a Surface Pro 2 and that it was not up to snuff for Windows 10 and edge. But then I got myself a new desktop with windows 10/edge preinstalled and am having the same problems

Music and picture: duplicates everywhere. I mean 4 or five copies of songs and pictures. even when I go in and delete each and every copy they pop up again. One of the reasons I was excited to get windows 10 was that I thought it (along with One Drive) would be able to search for all pictures, put them all together and then delete copies. I don't know where I got that idea, this point I would be overjoyed to have no more copies coming out of nowhere.

Neither IE nor Edge works right. I get everlasting "long running scripts" and lost websites that are forever being recovered. This can't be me since it happens on both the SP and the desktop. My phone, running 8.1 loads websites faster.

the Favorites on IE and Edge will not delete a site no longer a favorite.

I am not hearing about these problems from others. I keep hearing that there will be a huge update this summer, but since no one else is talking about my problems, I wonder if they will be fixed.
For a long time I thought my problem was that I was using a Surface Pro 2 and that it was not up to snuff for Windows 10 and edge. But then I got myself a new desktop with windows 10/edge preinstalled and am having the same problems

Music and picture: duplicates everywhere. I mean 4 or five copies of songs and pictures. even when I go in and delete each and every copy they pop up again. One of the reasons I was excited to get windows 10 was that I thought it (along with One Drive) would be able to search for all pictures, put them all together and then delete copies. I don't know where I got that idea, this point I would be overjoyed to have no more copies coming out of nowhere.

Neither IE nor Edge works right. I get everlasting "long running scripts" and lost websites that are forever being recovered. This can't be me since it happens on both the SP and the desktop. My phone, running 8.1 loads websites faster.

the Favorites on IE and Edge will not delete a site no longer a favorite.

I am not hearing about these problems from others. I keep hearing that there will be a huge update this summer, but since no one else is talking about my problems, I wonder if they will be fixed.

I can try answering about the duplicate files: what might be happening is that your onedrive is syncing what is on the cloud to what is on the pc and thus a duplicate file is created.

In onedrive, cancel syncing of all folders, then make sure that the sync is complete. Then go to your folders and see where you have duplicates and remove them. Also, go to onedrive, either using the site or using the onedrive universal app, to delete the duplicates. This was duplicates will be gone from both pc and onedrive. Only after you're done with this will you select the onedrive files and folders that you wish to store on your pc

For edge issues, check for updates, there might be an update that you haven't installed. You can check OS version to know if you're up to date: go to settings > system > about > OS build
I have not had your problems on any PC w/Win 10. Maybe I need to look into this further.

Rich Bergstedt - Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

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