Anybody on 64-bit processor not able to install?


New member
Aug 4, 2014
I have an older, 3rd generation 64-bit Core i5 (3550). My motherboard is also based on an older z87 architecture. So Microsoft's statement that some older 64-bit processors wouldn't work struck a little fear into my heart. Does anybody have any intel (pun totally intended) on whether I will be able to install the Technical Preview?
I have a 2008-era Montevina(? could be the wrong name) Core 2 Duo with a 64-bit install. It's go for me.

Although I fear the fact you had to ask it may mean this Preview is not be the best, but that's just the vibe I get from just that post.
I have a 2008-era Montevina(? could be the wrong name) Core 2 Duo with a 64-bit install. It's go for me.

Although I fear the fact you had to ask it may mean this Preview is not be the best, but that's just the vibe I get from just that post.

I am at work and I won't get home until late tonight. I was only asking so that I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to install if somebody had already tried it and failed.
My guess is that this would apply to first generation 64bit processors. Something like an AMD Athlon 64 from 2003 or the really early core 2 processors from 2004.
FAQ from the preview page

  • Some PC processors and hardware configurations aren’t supported by Technical Preview.
  • To access the Windows Store and to download and run apps, you need an Internet connection, a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768, and a Microsoft account.
  • After you install the preview, you won't be able to play DVDs using Windows Media Player.
  • If you have Windows 8 Pro with Media Center and you install the preview, Windows Media Center will be removed.
  • The preview won’t work on Windows RT 8.1 and Windows N editions.
  • The preview is not available for Windows Phone.
  • A small number of older, 64-bit CPUs might be blocked from installing the preview.
  • If you're running Windows 7 without SP1, you can only upgrade to the preview by downloading an ISO file. If you install Windows 7 SP1, you can upgrade to the preview by using Windows Update or by downloading an ISO file.
I've got a very first generation of a core i5 on board, and have not experienced trouble here. My guess is that your 3rd generation i5 will do just fine.

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