Anyone else find call volume too low?

2 yr old L-920 with AT&T Cyan firmware and latest DP OS...Call volume is ok @10/10...nice clarity and loudness...fortunate I guess, but reviewing L-1020/1520 comments having issues is not acceptable...
As I 'was' going to get a hulk-green 1520...until a real new Flagship comes out which doesn't look like it will until 3rd quarter 2015..
This may help?
Problem on my lumia 520, I purchased in January 2014,started about a week ago. All of a sudden(!) I could not hear the caller?s voice through the internal speaker, and the screen went blank so I could not see to press ?end call?. The callers, however, could hear my screamings OK! I found out that pressing the ?speaker? when initially replying a call made loudspeaker work and from then on I replied all calls on open conversation although very inconvenient and public!
I assumed it was a hardware problem and a complete disassembly and re-assembly did not fix the problem. So, I started shopping around for a replacement.
Then someone here, on the lumia 920 and 928 board, gave a solution which I followed. Goto, Settings, Audio (enhancements) wait for loading. There is a ?flip to silence? toggle switch that controls the ?flip face down to silence the ringer?. Turn it OFF.
I applied it on my 520, switched OFF and restarted my phone. It resolved the problem and I could hear the callers again.
A few hours later, with mobile in pocket, the problem came back and the caller?s voice was extremely faint (the speaker phone is working OK though but it is public!). Again I switched OFF and restarted my phone. It resolved the problem and I could hear the callers again loud and clear.
I believe it is a combined hardware and software problem with a certain tilt switch operating erratically.
The phone otherwise, works OK and I like it.
It will be nice to hear of a final fix.
Indeed, I got a Blu Win HD, great phone. I tested the volume using speak on media apps ... the in call volume and speaking phone in call volume only going to 10 is way, way too low to hear clearly.
My problem is not the volume I hear but on the other end. The callers cannot hear me unless I use a headphone. Did you find a fix yet? I like the phone and want to keep it but need people to hear me.

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