Anyone going to Windows Phone LA event tonight?

Yeah, any good? I registered for the SF event next week.

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It was cool. Good music. Though most of the fans there came with groups of friends. And for some reason, they weren't really all that talkative. If I started a conversation with someone, it would just end up being pretty silent because people would just answer a question and stand there awkwardly. So it wasn't all that social a crowd. But the people working there were nice.

And the food was primarily snacks. Some fancy form of grilled cheese sandwiches that all kinds of stuff in it that made it taste like heaven. And some fries with a seasoning and dip that was good. And beer and liquor. (though I skipped the liquor and had soda)

I would guess there were about 200 people there. And they probably gave away about 5 or 6 phones. So the odds were decent to win one. Unfortunately, I wasn't one of the winners.

I live in Camarillo, CA. Though I work in Culver City. I probably left there at around 10:45pm.
Oh... and probably the coolest thing was just being able to put the phones side by side and compare them. All of them fully powered with profiles on them so you could see the full functionality. A lot of people there didn't even have Windows Phones. So they really were there because they wanted to get one, but weren't sure which to pick.

I was a little disappointed with both the Focus S and the Focus Flash. Not because they're bad. They both looked like nice devices. But the Focus S looked almost exactly like my Focus. Sure, it's a little bigger. But unless it's side by side, I wouldn't know. The device is still nice. So if you're moving from a Focus to a Focus S, you don't really get as much of a feeling of "Wow. I have something new and different." It just seems like somehow you added mods to your current phone.

The thing that I didn't like about the Focus Flash was the hardware button for the home screen. It just didn't seem to fit because the Back and Search buttons were still capacitive. I felt like they should have made up their minds to go with one or the other. Not mix them up.

I compared the screens of the Focus Flash, Focus S, Titan, and Radar. The Radar's screen quality pales in comparison to the others. I was pretty surprised. Both Focuses looked the same in screen quality. I would say that the Titan equaled the Focus quality. But it was different. The Focuses were more vivid. The colors more saturated. Almost like it had some extra style and pizzazz. Almost a little more hip. The Titan was crisp and clear. The colors were accurate. So it really depends on personal preference. Both looked good.
@Reflexx, thanks! No prostitutes, huh?

I mean, Lumias. :P

Go Trojans!!!

I wanted to go to the LA event but I was busy.

Ouch. We're still waiting for the next Aaron Rodgers. :/

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No Lumias.

Though one of the reps did tell me that during the first 30 minutes or so, almost everyone was asking her if there were any Lumias.
Go Trojans! (But I like Cal too; great school)

I was there and had a pretty amazing time. Those sandwiches you speak of were TASTY. The free drinks were all quality.

I was also sad I didn't win a phone but even 5/150 or so people are still small odds. THe tweet contest winners must have been super typers.

Great great great event. Music was also awesome. Wish we had Best Coast; I don't really care for Mutemath.
Oh... and probably the coolest thing was just being able to put the phones side by side and compare them. All of them fully powered with profiles on them so you could see the full functionality. A lot of people there didn't even have Windows Phones. So they really were there because they wanted to get one, but weren't sure which to pick.

I was a little disappointed with both the Focus S and the Focus Flash. Not because they're bad. They both looked like nice devices. But the Focus S looked almost exactly like my Focus. Sure, it's a little bigger. But unless it's side by side, I wouldn't know. The device is still nice. So if you're moving from a Focus to a Focus S, you don't really get as much of a feeling of "Wow. I have something new and different." It just seems like somehow you added mods to your current phone.

The thing that I didn't like about the Focus Flash was the hardware button for the home screen. It just didn't seem to fit because the Back and Search buttons were still capacitive. I felt like they should have made up their minds to go with one or the other. Not mix them up.

I compared the screens of the Focus Flash, Focus S, Titan, and Radar. The Radar's screen quality pales in comparison to the others. I was pretty surprised. Both Focuses looked the same in screen quality. I would say that the Titan equaled the Focus quality. But it was different. The Focuses were more vivid. The colors more saturated. Almost like it had some extra style and pizzazz. Almost a little more hip. The Titan was crisp and clear. The colors were accurate. So it really depends on personal preference. Both looked good.

Just wanted to comment on what I saw on the screens between the Radar, Focus, and Titan. When I went out to get my Radar I stopped by AT&T just to give the Titan an actual look over to see if it would convince me to go with AT&T (whom I dispise). While there I checked out the Focus' and I honestly don't get what all the hoop-lah is about super AMOLED. I see a better screen response-time with them so there is less "ghosting" when scrolling around but the blacks were much blacker on the Titan and Radar.

What I disliked about the Titan's screen is that it's the same pixel-count as many other WP7 devices so you don't get as sharp of images as the smaller-screened WP7 devices.

Like you said, personal preference but I just saw them differently then you I guess. And I didn't really get to see them all side-by-side either.
Yeah, always gotta do what the guy waving his arms in line did, to get on camera. Or something like the guy saying he was ditching his bionic.

Looks like a blast though. Not sure if there is any place in my area that would be Hip enough to host something like that. Weird that they chose today and tomorrow for the last Night Market. Would have thought they would do something big on a Friday/Saturday.

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