drjekel_mrhyde New member Apr 1, 2011 205 0 0 Feb 5, 2016 #1 About Microsoft's AI test in China? https://thestack.com/world/2016/02/...urce=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link
About Microsoft's AI test in China? https://thestack.com/world/2016/02/...urce=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link
Ed Boland Retired Ambassador Nov 17, 2012 4,706 5 38 Feb 6, 2016 #2 No, but nice find! They should get to piping all that technology into Cortana. Sadly the article states they have no plans on expanding that "experiment" to any other countries any time soon.
No, but nice find! They should get to piping all that technology into Cortana. Sadly the article states they have no plans on expanding that "experiment" to any other countries any time soon.