Anything similar to Age of Empires?


New member
Jul 28, 2011
I loved the games like Knights and Merchants and the Windows Mobile version of Age of Empires. Are there any games out there now that are like that? I know it's nearly impossible to find anything anymore like it since everything has gone to shoot'em up and destroy.
I'm guessing the answer is no.

Are RTS games pretty much no more? Everyone want to shoot and scoot, or eat zombie brains instead of actually having to plan and strategize.
If Microsoft does a full-blown touch-optimised port of Age of Empires 2 for Windows Phone, it would be amazing.

There's a game that will have MONTHS of gameplay as opposed to hours.
I know I used to spend quite a few hours at times playing AOE on my Axim x51v. I've been a fan of these games for a few years ever since I found Knights and Merchants back in '98. It's, to me anyway, a game you can play over and over and never really get tired of since it's all in how you build and plan your development within the game. I'd still be playing it today if I could get it to run right under Windows 7. It just seems nowadays that unless you're killing zombies, shooting monsters or running them through with a chainsaw powered shotgun in a city like maze somewhere, nobody is interested anymore. The principle behind having to build and work towards a goal is lost and not fun for the modern gamer.
I'm 22 and grew playing that franchise. A few months ago I dusted my old AoE III copy and just recently I've been playing it and AoE Online. I really love these games and I'm not much of a gamer...

One for WP7 would be the ultimate game for me!
I'm 22 and grew playing that franchise. A few months ago I dusted my old AoE III copy and just recently I've been playing it and AoE Online. I really love these games and I'm not much of a gamer...

One for WP7 would be the ultimate game for me!

yeah i miss AOE from my WM 6.5 dayz ,,, even HERO was fun on WM 6.5 , HOURS and HOURS of game play!!!!

Kinda sad thinking that most games on WM are better then the once on WP (so far)

you would think that they could have ported all WM games over (atlease ) even if they are INDIE games
Come to think of it, there is a wealth of old PC titles that would work just fine on a cellphone that would make great ports. I'd love to play me some Heroes of Might and Magic III. That'd make a great mobile title.
yeah i miss AOE from my WM 6.5 dayz ,,, even HERO was fun on WM 6.5 , HOURS and HOURS of game play!!!!

Kinda sad thinking that most games on WM are better then the once on WP (so far)

you would think that they could have ported all WM games over (atlease ) even if they are INDIE games

I found my old copy of age of mythology!! Its age of empires but you can make myth units like a minotaur, a cyplops, or a medusa!!! I would rather age of mythology but I will take either. Rise of nations is a good one also. They all are made by the same developer I think.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who misses those games. I was at the local GameStop yesterday with my son and asked about games like that. The guy there said they just don't really make them anymore. That style of game play is too old and outdated, he said.
That's not entirely true. The Total War series is still going immensely strong. The recently released Shogun 2 is one of the best reviewed PC titles this year. And let's not forget Star Craft 2.

I suppose there's nothing really like AoE2 out there in straight specifics, but Age of Empires was just that... Age of Empires. No one else is going to make exactly the same game. When it died, that specific gameplay died too.

Be thankful for the franchises that have managed to stick around and stayed relevant at the same time. I know I'm glad they're still producing games based on old PC titles like Heroes of Might and Magic or Deus Ex.
Well AOE wasn't the only one out there. I started off playing Knights and Merchants on the PC and it wasn't until then that I even knew about games like this. On my Axim, I also had a game similar that I cannot remember the name of at this time. I remember it was space themed and you had to build up your defenses to repel attacks and then also build up your offenses to attack. What I loved about K&M was that you needed to not only build up your defenses/offenses, you also had to build up your infrastructure and resources to provide for all of it. Kind of a Civil engineering/community planning game of sorts.
I remember time spent on Warfare Incorporated on my old HP iPaq 4150, though I think that game got later ported to iOS, too.
Yeah it was. Man, I remember playing games on an ipaq... My favorite is still by far "The Quest" by Redshift. A game which, coincidentally, also was ported to iOS.

I'm going to go download Knights and Merchants though. I just read the wiki on it and it sounds freaking complicated hahaha.
I remember time spent on Warfare Incorporated on my old HP iPaq 4150, though I think that game got later ported to iOS, too.
Oh wow, totally forgot about that game! It was pretty amazing. Now that it comes to mind, there were also games like Westward which guaranteed days/weeks of play.
Yeah, AOE, Warfare Inc and Knights and Merchants were and still are my all time favorite games. There's one I just found in the past couple of weeks for the PC called Stronghold. Similar in ways to K&N/AOE. You start with nothing and have to build your resources. Raise food, mine raw material, process them for other uses(iron ore to metal for weapons, Wheat into flour for bread, etc). I guess I just lost my interests in war games and the shoot'em ups after I left the military. I was telling one of the younger people I work with who's all into the war games and paintball, It's just not as much fun when you can hit the reset button after you're killed.
I always found that Rise Of Nations, was the best RTS game ever. That's the game I wish could be made for wp7 platform.

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