App: Audiobook Simple Player for WP8


New member
Nov 19, 2012
App Link: Audiobook Simple Player | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

App Details:

Audiobook Simple Player (now in version 2) was specially designed to play audiobooks. It's features:
- supports audiobooks consisting of many tracks
- allows easy file copying/downloading - whole folders or selected files
- allows pinning audiobooks to start screen, which enables easy switching between them,
- holds audiobooks in managed Library,
- remembers audiobook last position,
- enables auto-rewind function after pause or accepting a phone call,
- provides easy jump to any audiobook position,
- supports SD Card, SkyDrive and Dropbox

Trial version of the application allows you to add any three audiobooks and has full functionality.

Anyone who knows me and was there when I first got my hands on a WP8 device the BIGGEST complaint that I had was that there was no audio book player for WP8. There were some out there for WP7 that worked on 8, but they lacked the ability to do other things on your phone during playback and they just didn't work well.

I found this app on a routine search in hopes that one would show up. I have tried the ones out there, but they all had one feature missing: The ability to play my own Audio Books from my library or if they did, they had some convoluted way to get the files onto the device.

When I first tried this app out, there were bugs. It worked, but there were issues and the UI needed work. Rather than leaving a bad review complaining, I reached out to the Dev and sent him a list of idea's and suggestions. The Dev got back to me quickly and from then on, it was a team effort to test and suggest. It was great working with him and he took feedback very seriously and worked to quickly squash any bugs that I found. During this time (over the holidays), he managed to find the time to completely overhaul the UI and this app was FINALLY looking like a polished app.

My favorite feature? supports SD Card, SkyDrive and Dropbox. This alone is outstanding.

Overall, I hope people will take a look at this app and support the developer. He has worked hard (I have seen this first hand) and anyone that has their own library of Audio Books NEEDS this app for WP8!!!
I buy books either digitally or on CD's (normally through estate or garage sales for the physical media). I rip them myself and put them in SkyDrive or Dropbox and download them to my phone.

It will not play Audible books due to the DRM that Audible imposes.
Hi, do someone know which format is required to play audiobooks, currently I have it in mp3 and it doesn't read
Okay, so this is probably the best I've found, but it's still VERY severely lacking in comparison to what I'm used to, and it means I'm going back to android after spending one day with the Windows 8 farce of an OS.

1.) It doesn't detect chapters in an m4b file that has chapters.
2.) The cover doesn't copy over
3.) This isn't your fault I don't think, but the fact that you can't just use regular mp3 files from an SD card or play native m4b files is kind of stupid.
4.) No speed control. The audible app doesn't even have this for some reason. I listen to my audiobooks at 1.3x speed.


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