App Development for W10M?


New member
Apr 30, 2014
I know W10M is officially dead, however if someone decided to develop apps for it whether it be 3rd party or not, which ones would you guys like to see? Would you pay for said apps? Please chime in, and leave your thoughts.
Well, it takes literal effort to make an app NOT run on mobile (various devs have actually forgotten, like Pinball FX2, which is on PC and Xbox, accidently was installable on mobile). An AppX (app installer) file will contain 32-bit, 64-bit, and ARM versions of the app by default.

So really as long as PC gets apps (that use UWP APIs), mobile will automatically get those apps.

Anyways, as for specific apps, I'd love to see an official Nest app (or at least the web app with notifications, live tile, and ability to setup/silence their smoke/co alarm).
I'd like to see VS Code in the Store, and compatible with mobile (which requires some changes to their Monaco editor, but would otherwise work).
A proper Steam UWP app would be awesome, to replace both the desktop client and current mobile app. Obviously games wouldn't run natively on mobile, but maybe in-home streaming would work.

Besides those, the only other apps I use (on any device) are Photoshop (full desktop version), Visual Studio (the full IDE), and some games. Those wouldn't really be usable on my Elite x3 (without connecting a mouse), but would be cool to have in Continuum.

Everything else I use is already a UWP and available on mobile.

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