App Development Help


New member
Nov 19, 2011
Hello everyone!

I have no idea how to write an app; but, I had a great idea for a music/bands app that I wanted to create across all three phone platforms. Would anyone be interested in helping me to figure out how to write it or taking all the glory in creating it (if you think it is a good idea, too)?

I didn't know where else to post this, so if this is the wrong board, let me know and I can move it, too.

Thank you!
If you're going muli-platform, I'd suggest xaramin if you prefer object oriented with c# or apache cordova if you are more familiar with web development. Visual Studio Community 2015 is what you want to download to get started. Building for iOS will require a Mac.
Originally posted by Jason Rosenthal
If you're going muli-platform, I'd suggest xaramin if you prefer object oriented with c# or apache cordova if you are more familiar with web development. Visual Studio Community 2015 is what you want to download to get started. Building for iOS will require a Mac.

Xamarin is very expensive for an indie dev, especially one just starting out that doesn't know how to develop apps yet.
Originally posted by suburbanl3g3nd
Hello everyone!

I have no idea how to write an app; but, I had a great idea for a music/bands app that I wanted to create across all three phone platforms. Would anyone be interested in helping me to figure out how to write it or taking all the glory in creating it (if you think it is a good idea, too)?

I didn't know where else to post this, so if this is the wrong board, let me know and I can move it, too.

Thank you!

Without specific details it's very hard to help at all really. However, I would suggest you look at PhoneGap as a way of creating a first beta version or proof of concept, the learning curve for this will be much easier than something like Xamarin and also cheaper. Ideally I would say stick to Windows 10 only for now as you can learn / develop for free and have a great native experience for your users. Once you have a working app and more experience as a developer you could then look to go cross platform. Check out Microsoft Virtual Academy for free training courses and also MSDN documentation / samples / tutorials, you'll also want to download Visual Studio 2015 Community. If you don't mind spending some hard earned cash I really recommend Pluralsight as a great training resource and there is a fantastic beginners course for Windows 10 UWP app development that should get you started very quick.
It's an app kind of like Yelp! for live music shows so you can say which bands suck live or are awesome.

I'll check out some of those tools to start on. I guess the goal is to eventually let it hit multiplatform.

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