Interesting! I wonder if Photosynth could accomplish that.
I thought of this myself lately, like a 3d photo. i think this could work, just depends on the object i guess, something like photosynth style app.
I know Microsoft Research already has an app in development that does exactly what you say! I saw it on this website, as a matter of fact. It's a video if you wanna check it out on YouTube or something.
No, I am afraid I no longer have access to it. I could've sworn I saw it on this very site. I'll keep checking for you guys!
You probably need something like youspin but I'm not sure they have WP support yet. Another option is to build something like this DIY 360 turntable and shoot your object with just your phone camera and then stitch the images together with some software.
Is there any app that can take a 360 degrees view of an object?
So instead of we rotate ourselves to take a panoramic photos, we move ourselves or circling an object to take the 360 degrees view of it.