are you a new wp7 user


New member
Dec 4, 2011

  1. Are you a new wp7 user?
Are you a new wp7 user?

  1. Have you owned iphone before?

  1. Have you owned WM before?

  1. If you are not buying a wp7 phoe, have you tried wp7?
I am fairly new... I have been using my Titan for about 16 hours now. I have never had an iphone, but I have had an iPod Touch for several years. I also have a BlackBerry Curve for work and a BlackBerry Playbook for play.

So far, I love the WP. My only gripe is that I want my home screen to have a black background and my other pages to have a white background. I don't like reading the white text on the People Hub.

So far, I loaded WeatherMaster, Mehdoh, MetroTube, Weave, American Airlines, Delta, XE Currency, WP Central, Red Sox Fan, IN+ Networking (LinkedIn Client), Connectivity Shortcuts, Angry Birds and Fruit Ninjas.

I am very happy with my new Titan :D
I am sort of new. I had a Dell Venue Pro for about a week before I sent it back and ordered a Titan.
I'm new. I came from a BB.
I have never owned an Apple touch screen device.
I owned a Windows based PDA (Dell Axim). I think that was Windows CE though, not Windows Mobile (but really what's the difference?).
Bought it, Love it!
- New WP7 user, as of a month ago anyway.

- Coming from iOS devices; wasn't a big deal for me to switch since iPhone works without a SIM.

- Used WM a little; my dad had a Samsung Blackjack that I enjoyed.

- N/A
my focus s is the first wp7 device
i have had a few iphones and several androids prior
i've had my focus s for about a week and a half
My first WP7 phone. I've had the OG brown Zune 30 for a few years now, and the Zune HD for a few years. Before my Focus S I was a BB user (Bold, Curve 3G), but tired of its slowness, but do miss its overall functionality. Then I slummed it on an Android LG Optimus for a few months until the Mango phones arrived.
I managed to get a Titan for a penny on black Saturday and this is my first WP7 device and I'm absolutely loving it.

I have owned every iPhone up until iPhone 4. My last device was a Motorola Atrix and I also own a HP Pre 3. I'm a multi platform person and the Titan by far is my favorite at the moment and is now my daily driver.

My first smart phone was a WM device which was a Tmobile Dash. I must say the WP platform has come a long way and I'm very pleased how its developing.
New WP User (HTC Titan) and loving it. Picked a pair of them up for my wife and I last month for a penny each from Amazon Wireless.

I just activated and set them up today, but I just can't stop 'discovering' what a great OS it is.

I had an original Droid (rooted + ROM'd) for the past couple of years, and was on a Samsung Omnia with WM 6.1 before that.

This is the wife's first smartphone, and she's happy that we finally have the same phones so we can get familiar together.

Thanks all for the great forum!
Are you a new wp7 user?

Yes. Just bought an HD7 last month

Have you owned iphone before?

No. My wife owns one. I can't stand iOS

Have you owned WM before?

No. Only smartphones I've owned were WebOS. I think this is closest but I still prefer WebOS.
This is my first smartphone. My brothers had the iPhone original and the iPhone 3GS, and I have an iPod Touch 4G. I am tired with iOS so when it was time for me to get a smartphone, I definitely didn't want an iPhone. My brother got a Focus back in March, my sister-in-law got one soon after, and finally my gf got one in April! I followed wp7 heavily throughout the summer. I really wanted a Samsung Focus Part 2 with amoled plus, and a 4.3" display. You don't even know how happy I was when AT&T announced this phone! I bought it day one!

My brother picked up a Titan during the Black Friday sales.

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so what exactly the point of the poll if you are asking are we windows phone users on windows phone forum :confused:
The poll is poorly designed; some people will have multiple "yes" answers to the questions but in the poll you can only pick one response.

As for me...

1) I am a brand new WP user; I just received my HTC Trophy that ordered on-line this past Thursday (12/8/11). It is my first Windows Phone device.

2) I've never had an iPhone, though I will be getting an iPod Touch for Christmas so I can play around with a iOS device at my leisure. I have had an Android OS device (Motorola Droid 2) for almost exactly a year (since 12/10/10). I really like the Droid 2 and will continue to use it, but I do have some issues with Android OS and how clunky it can run after you've had an Android smartphone for an extended period of time. I use the Advanced Task Killer frequently, and try to reboot the phone every 3 charges (roughly 5 days) or so, but I still get more than acceptable lag at times (and I've seen other people's Droid 2's lag even more than mine).

3) Though this isn't a question in the poll, I'll note that I bought the Trophy (and will get the iPod Touch) in large part because I want to see which mobile OS will best meet my needs/wants going forward. As I noted above, Android IMO is clunky, and I don't like the iSheep mentality of iPhone acolytes or the lack of a physical keyboard on any iOS smartphone. (I realize that the Trophy also doesn't have a physical keyboard, but because I also have the Droid 2, that's not so much of a problem.) Right now, my thinking is when I become eligible for an upgrade on the Droid 2 late next year, I will buy a device that 1) has the best-functioning OS that has the key apps/free apps I want, 2) has a physical keyboard, and 3) is 4G LTE capable. I think right now that could be WP, assuming I continue to really like the WP OS after I use it more, but it could be Android if that OS is improved (ICS and its successors should help in that regard) and/or WP doesn't get some of those key apps I want, it could be iOS if Apple starts selling physical keyboard iPhones and I find I really like iOS, or it could even be webOS or Blackberry 10 (or equivalent) if either gets dramatically more apps and in the case of webOS, new devices actually exist. (I also recently bought an HTC TouchPad and have found I like webOS quite a bit, more than Android OS but maybe not as much as WP OS.)
I came across from android, first WP7 phone, I only buy the cheapest off contract phones and only switched to WP7 because my phone was given to me.

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Firs time with a WP device ( HTC Arrive) came to WP 7 from webOS and an Original Palm Pre, formerly exposed to Windows Mobile but mostly stuck with Palm devices - Treo 650, 680 & Centro; liked webOS, but am thrilled with WP 7 when they finally get around to updating their notifications customization (and I truly believe they WILL do this in response to the thousands of requests) this device will be absolutely wonderful!

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