Are you multitask-er or a task switcher?


New member
Jun 20, 2011
A lot of talk on most boards about smart phones multitasking or having the ability to do so. I figure it must be important feature since a lot of people claim to need it but what is it exactly? Wiki defines it as "the apparent performance by an individual of handling more than one task at the same time.' Using their example, "talking on the phone while typing an email". I like to think I can multitask but at best, I task switch more than do two things at the same time.

Sprints Kyocera Echo coined a their own term "Simul-task". They defined their smart phone of having the ability to text and surf the web at the same time..something I contend is about as impossible as it is a ridiculous concept as it comes. The only phone with a faster return rate than it was the Microsoft Kin... but I digress.

When it comes to smart phones, a lot of chat about a phone making the grade if it has the ability to do two or more things at once. The is only a few things I can think of that a phone should be able to do simultaneously is allowing you to talk and surf or use your GPS while in a phone call. At least these are some practical functions average people should be able to do with a smart phone.

Anyway, what is multitasking with a smart phone to you and if you think you are more a task switcher than a multitask-er. I think most fall in the latter category but maybe you know how to do something others can't. How do you multitask with a smart phone?
I'm more of a task switcher using my smartphone only. However, I frequently multitask in other ways that involves my smartphone but isn't really multitasking on it.

For example, I'll text and Tweet about a sports game while watching it on TV. Or I might be at a Super Bowl party watching the Super Bowl with family or friends, and I'll text other family/friends who are at other parties, or I'll just Tweet about the Super Bowl while watching it.
I'm more of a task switcher using my smartphone only. However, I frequently multitask in other ways that involves my smartphone but isn't really multitasking on it.

For example, I'll text and Tweet about a sports game while watching it on TV. Or I might be at a Super Bowl party watching the Super Bowl with family or friends, and I'll text other family/friends who are at other parties, or I'll just Tweet about the Super Bowl while watching it.
Pretty much the extent of how I do it. I watch the game, then I might hit the web media. But I find I don't do both. I tend to want to do things well so I'll do one thing, then the other. Maybe its how I was raised. :)
Pretty much the extent of how I do it. I watch the game, then I might hit the web media. But I find I don't do both. I tend to want to do things well so I'll do one thing, then the other. Maybe its how I was raised. :)

In general, women are better than men at multitasking. 😁

Sent from whatever device I happen to be using today using Tapatalk
Re: smart phones, my usage might be music streaming in the background while browsing. Task switching to get info from email to enter into a web form. Those sort of things.

As for "real life" multi tasking, there are some studies that indicated women may have a aptitude for it, however, I think it also depends on training and individual.

I don't utilize it much anymore with my current situation (SAHD) and I can tell my ability has atrophied -- in this, it is no different than when I try to play some AOE3 or Starcraft and I'm like OH YEAH WORKERS.

Edit: but I can cook better than a lot of women I know and do all the yard work too, so there ;)
Re: phones, I hold it as being confident in switching away from a loading webpage, download, and upload and knowing it will continue and not just pause. Also being able to confidently switch away from one app to another and resume without worrying about losing my spot or having the game restart. webOS was the only OS that really gave me such confidence and control in mobile.

Personally, I am a sometimes-fast task switcher. I'm not too great trying to multitask as my sister has pointed out before. Starcraft has only accentuated it more. I end up managing one aspect and forgetting about the others for some amount of time.
Starcraft has only accentuated it more. I end up managing one aspect and forgetting about the others for some amount of time.

I used to be pretty good with RTS games, though certainly not any sort of competition level as those guys (and gals) are taking the game mechanics and unit strengths and weaknesses apart and using them just...crazy. Watch some of the competition level (Korea, especially) matches and try to find your jaw later.

But certainly within my circle of friends, there were those who wouldn't even play against me any more due to not liking the losing. Funny enough though, one friend of mine though, we kept playing AOE3 (and AOM!) for years and would go in cycles of winning and losing. As for the multitasking aspect anyway, it's almost like having an internal timer in your head - tick tick tick NEXT tick tick tick NEXT tick tick tick NEXT. It really does take some training to achieve that I believe (and to be able to accomplish things in shorter time frames).

(as for RTS games, I have always tended towards being a Sneaky *******™, engage with a minimal force in the front, supplement with healers, rotate troops back, etc, and in the meantime, circle something around and attack their unprotected heiny :wink:)

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