The app gap is real and to suggest it isn't is to have your head in the sand. Also the apps on WP, by the developer, are far inferior to those on other platforms.
How are you defining the app gap? The problem I have with the subject is that the majority of people
I've seen arguing against the WP ecosystem just say that there aren't as many apps to choose from. I don't understand why having 500,000 apps is too little.
I'll admit to the quality issue. I see that.
The two year thing doesn't wash either and no, not all apps are using the MS Modern UI for their apps. These are all excuses that we as WP users like to tell ourselves so we can be confident about our choice.
Why not? Android wasn't where it is now two years ago, and what's currently being compared is WP's store
now to android's store
now, two years wiser. Sure, we're living
now, but I wouldn't compare a high school or college freshman's knowledge to a junior's, or compare a 2012 LeMans Peugeot to a 2014 LeMans Audi.
I didn't say all apps did use the Modern UI. I said that the good ones "often" do. That's completely subjective, and it comes from my experience on the platform.
As someone has already said on here. If WP is what you want to use, be happy with it. Stop comparing and just enjoy it. If you feel it lacks than go elsewhere until either it catches up or flops. Waiting in anticipation is not a state I wish to continue in, it's exhausting. Maybe it's my age or something.
I'll bite on that. To some degree, anyway. I enjoy anticipation (part of the reason why I'm here... Sue me), and comparative arguments will always exist until either human nature fundamentally changes or every area of consumerism becomes monopolistic.
Look, OP asked for some reasons to "counter the point that WP lacks apps," and I gave my opinion. That's all I tried to do.