Ars has good things to say about the Titan

I honestly think that display resolution is the main drawback. I know it is the WP requirement for now. But it isn't a problem when I am watching videos. Other than that, it is a beast.
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As a former iphone 4 user of 2 years I don't have any issues with the resolution. In fact I really don't understand why this is always a big gripe with people.
As a former iphone 4 user of 2 years I don't have any issues with the resolution. In fact I really don't understand why this is always a big gripe with people.

I think it's because they've been using HD resolutions on their <insert over-specced Android device> and now the Titan's resolution feels like a step back.
There was a fair amount of negativity in the comments though. Mostly the typical anti-WP7 rhetoric from android users who have never touched a wp7 device let alone actually tried one out for a bit.

Sent from my HTC TITAN using Board Express
I honestly think that display resolution is the main drawback. I know it is the WP requirement for now. But it isn't a problem when I am watching videos. Other than that, it is a beast.

There's no drawback on the Titans display resolution unless you always look at the screen with a magnifying glass. All videos and text look crisp and clear.

Seriously it's gotten to a point where people are getting too caught up in specs and not letting their eyes do the judging.
There's no drawback on the Titans display resolution unless you always look at the screen with a magnifying glass. All videos and text look crisp and clear.

Seriously it's gotten to a point where people are getting too caught up in specs and not letting their eyes do the judging.
I couldn't agree more. Everyone tells me how great things look and that they can actually read stuff without squinting or putting the phone 2 inches from their face. It's wonderful!!
I stopped reading when I read the following:

The back is rounded plastic

It is one thing for a normal user to not realize the materials this phone is built out of. But, for a site that is supposed to provide professional reviews, this is unacceptable. I am getting really sick of the poor quality of tech blogs and reviewers.
I think the thing with the Titan's resolution is that because it is a 4.7'' screen, you don't need to hold it right in front of your face to read it, like I had to do on the tiny 3.5'' iPhone 4, so you don't notice the resolution. Yes, you can read text zoomed all the way out on the iPhone, but it is so damn small it hurts your eyes after a while. Turn the Titan sideways and you can clearly read the text zoomed out, and it makes for damn good browsing. If you look very closely, you can see some pixellation on certain things, but there should be no reason why anyone should be holding a 4.7'' screen that close to their face.

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