AT&T issue or HTC 8x issue? (Cellular call related)


New member
Nov 15, 2012
Quick background:

We have 2 iPhones, my HTC 8x, and a tablet on an AT&T Mobile Share plan.

Last Saturday I started having an issue where I stopped receiving calls. I could still make calls, send/receive SMS/MMS, and LTE data was fine. When someone would call my 8x, it would ring and never even go through to my voicemail. After troubleshooting with AT&T on the phone, the told me that the case was being transferred to technicians, and that it would be 7 - 10 business days before I got a response. Really? I decided to go up to my local AT&T store and have them swap out the SIM card. Sure enough, that worked and my phone was able to receive calls again.

Problem solved? I thought so, but fast forward to yesterday. I started having an issue that has cropped up today as well. Incoming and outgoing calls were able to connect, but I couldn't hear the person on the other end and vice versa. The call was connected, but no in or out audio. Power cycling the 8x temporarily fixes the issue.

Up until these issues started happening, my 8x had been flawless. No reboots like others have reported, no crashes, etc.

Has anyone else run into anything similar? If so, did you get your phone replaced? I would like to avoid having to replace the phone, but I suspect something is going on with my SIM card reader or something since the issues is strictly related to voice calls.
Your first problem was definitely a provisioning issue on AT&T's part.

Your second problem sounds like a hardware problem. I'd get a device swap-out.
I had random data and call issues as well; the phone would have data then just lose the connection. I would have to restart, and it would happen again. Turned out, telco had me on Blackberry plan and it was screwing everything up. You might want to tell them to doublecheck if you are on the correct plan for your phone.
Mine's been great on T-Mo. Its really easy to have a mistake at set-up. I'm a CSR for a different Telco and see it all too often. Try this.

"Connection Setup" for Windows Phone

I've seen where that fixed peoples issues. Also, does regular audio work? Try inserting some ear buds and make a call. They don't need a microphone. I do it all the time. If you can hear them, its most likely a device issue, thinking audio chip/amp. Did one reboot to reset it a few days ago.

If you can't hear, its a network issue.

Good luck. Happy Holidays;!
I wanted to update this thread. My phone was completely dead in the water today. I couldn't make or receive calls and power cycling didn't help. The did some light troubleshooting and replaced the SIM card again. I am again able to make and receive calls. I really think my phone is killing SIM cards.

They decided to replace the phone, but the guy said it is store policy that they can't replace phones under warranty with the phones they have in stock. WTF? So, I had to call the AT&T warranty number myself and they are sending out a replacement phone that will be here in 4 - 6 business days.
List ur apps. I found out vevo was draining my battery at 6% a minute. Watch ur WiFi. Also if u have an exchange email, get it off the phone. I have Skype and no issues. I think we have an issue with some apps not being written correctly.
List ur apps. I found out vevo was draining my battery at 6% a minute. Watch ur WiFi. Also if u have an exchange email, get it off the phone. I have Skype and no issues. I think we have an issue with some apps not being written correctly.

Did you respond to the wrong thread? Not sure what my apps have to do with my issues. Were you going somewhere with this? :)
Did you respond to the wrong thread? Not sure what my apps have to do with my issues. Were you going somewhere with this? :)

Sometimes 3rd party application can screw things up on your phone. If you have any installed.
Hey guys,

I stumbled upon this thread from a Google first time poster...

I have an HTC 8x running on AT&T as well and am experiencing very similar problems: My 8x accepts calls about 50% of the time and allows me to call out about half the time as well.

Went to AT&T, they swapped my SIM card and rebooted my phone. Still having problems.

We then rebooted and installed the latest WP8 update. Still having the same problems.

We then deleted my Apps and turned off Battery Saver. No fix there either.

I left the AT&T store with a little burner (nice guys comp'd it for me) so I could actually use a phone and I am waiting for my replacement to come in. One employee at my local AT&T store said some HTC's have been coming back with this issue. We shall see when I get the replacement phone.

All in all, pretty bummed this is happening. Such a simple function for one of these phones to accept calls, and yet something between HTC, Windows and AT&T is not functioning correctly.

The Accuser, any solution on your end?

Hey guys,

I stumbled upon this thread from a Google first time poster...

I have an HTC 8x running on AT&T as well and am experiencing very similar problems: My 8x accepts calls about 50% of the time and allows me to call out about half the time as well.

Went to AT&T, they swapped my SIM card and rebooted my phone. Still having problems.

We then rebooted and installed the latest WP8 update. Still having the same problems.

We then deleted my Apps and turned off Battery Saver. No fix there either.

I left the AT&T store with a little burner (nice guys comp'd it for me) so I could actually use a phone and I am waiting for my replacement to come in. One employee at my local AT&T store said some HTC's have been coming back with this issue. We shall see when I get the replacement phone.

All in all, pretty bummed this is happening. Such a simple function for one of these phones to accept calls, and yet something between HTC, Windows and AT&T is not functioning correctly.

The Accuser, any solution on your end?


Yeah, I made them give me a Lumia 920 to replace my 8x and I couldn't be happier. :)

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