AT&T Merger With T-Mobile Dead

T-mobile is on the chopping block regardless according to people that work there. If not AT&T then it will be someone else. Personally it doesn't matter to me.
THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!! I have 5 lines with Tmo Unlimited EVERYTHING ( well after 2GB 4G drops to 3G but its still unlimited ). I pay $204.99 for all 5 lines plus tax. You couldn't get 2 lines from att or verizon for that. I will be honest tmo works great in the city and so-so in the middle of nowhere. That will change now that the deal is off. Part of the deal was if it didn't go thru att and tmo will use each others towers for roaming. So very soon on tmo anywhere att has service so will tmo. This is a HUGE WIN FOR THE CONSUMER. You now have a lower cost provider that not only has the city goers covered but now if you live deep in the woods you'll get coverage. All for a fraction of the price of att.
You however may be passed along the roaming fees associated with the expended coverage which may raise your monthly costs still may not be as high as being on ATT. But basicly ATT wanted the bandwidth for expanded service. Thats the main selling/buying point for anybody wanting TMo. DT wants out of TMo and ATT Sprint VZN dont want the cell phone business just the spectrums and bandwidth TMo has now.
THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!! I have 5 lines with Tmo Unlimited EVERYTHING ( well after 2GB 4G drops to 3G but its still unlimited ). I pay $204.99 for all 5 lines plus tax. You couldn't get 2 lines from att or verizon for that. I will be honest tmo works great in the city and so-so in the middle of nowhere. That will change now that the deal is off. Part of the deal was if it didn't go thru att and tmo will use each others towers for roaming. So very soon on tmo anywhere att has service so will tmo. This is a HUGE WIN FOR THE CONSUMER. You now have a lower cost provider that not only has the city goers covered but now if you live deep in the woods you'll get coverage. All for a fraction of the price of att.

Actually the stopping of this deal only consolidated Verizon as the only national LTE carrier. AT&T will have a swiss cheese operation, Sprint will be swiss cheese as well, T-Mobile does not have a path to a 4th generation network, and then you have all the regionals.

But hey at least we have a competitor for US Cellular, C-Spire, Cricket, MetroPCS.
All I know is i have blazing fast service at a great PRICE. If att would've absorbed tmo the consumers would pay out the butt. Oh and it's all unlimited everything too. So i'm one happy camper.
Most T-mobile customers don't realize how this actually effects them in a negative way. Why? First off, AT&T promised to allow customers to continue with their plans, almost like Rogers does in Canada with Fido. So most are crying about rates and unlimited (2GB), yet AT&T stated they would let them continue. When the next company comes around, they won't have to promise anything and I'm sure they'll increase their rates.

Consumers on T-mobile aren't feeling the need for bandwidth because they have almost no customers and continue to bleed customers... not even sure of the last time they had a positive growth in respects to subscribers.

They will be sold and no matter what, whoever picks them up, whether it be Sprint, a cable/tv company or other, there is no way they'll be able to save T-mobile. See what Nextel and Sprint went through?

I understand the need for that merger to have gone through and if they were going to stop T-mobile and AT&T, they should have stopped the Alltel and Verizon option. I think AT&T may have quite a few enemies... look how they had to break up in to baby bells and allowed Verizon to pretty much scoop up a lot of it.
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THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!! I have 5 lines with Tmo Unlimited EVERYTHING ( well after 2GB 4G drops to 3G but its still unlimited ). I pay $204.99 for all 5 lines plus tax. You couldn't get 2 lines from att or verizon for that.

I have 4 lines with the Death Star for a TOTAL of $216.00, INCLUDING TAX...granted, it isn't called "unlimited", but with the A-list, free Mobile-to-AnyMobile, and Rollover minutes, it works out that I never worry...and our speed isn't throttled at the end of the month.

When my son-in-law's Sprint contract is up at the end of the month, I will add him in, and still be under $250 (for 5 lines)...

I am certainly not The Empire's biggest fan, and they don't need me to defend them, but I will say that while it isn't the cheapest, if you set up the bolt-ons the proper way, it is competitive...

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