Audio settings for Titan II?


New member
May 8, 2012
I recently got the Titan II and I love the phone. I am a little concerned about the audio quality though. When I am playing a game or listening to a simple ringtone, the sound is very loud. Sometimes it is piercingly loud. I know I can change the volume, so thats not too big of a deal.

The bigger issue for me is when I am playing music. It never seems quite loud enough. With some songs it actually feels like the volume goes up and down while the song plays. It fades in and out a little. I know there is a sound enhancement setting, which I have turned on. Is that what causes these weird issues? Would the speakers be louder when playing music if I had the setting off?
It is either an HTC issue or a WP issue. The voulume options are bad on WP, and I hope is something that is addressed in the next update.

When I listen to an audiobook in the car through my AUX input, I have to have the volume on the phone at 30. So when I get a call or a text...I about jump out of my skin.

It could also be the bitrate that the music is being played or was saved in. The audiobooks for example, is from Overdrive and is not as high quality as the songs I have on there.

Oh, set an alarm and see what happens. There is no volume options for the alarm. It just goes off at a crazy high volume.

It's early in the morning for me, and I feel like I just rambled on here.
So this probably isnt unique to the Titan?

Sometimes I actually think that the songs coming from pandora and sound better than the ones that I imported from my PC. Maybe it has to do with compression or something?

My alarm isnt that loud, but mostly because I used a very simple tone that isnt going to hurt my ears.
It's probably the quality you ripped them or "found" them at. I had this happen on my ipod touch too on my low quailty rips. There is also a setting to change the bitrate of the songs when put on your phone to 128kbs in the Zune settings. (or something like that. I don't have Zune on my work pc.) This could help with the up and down you hear. For example if you have a track encoded at .96kbs and one at 320kbs they may sound different. Now the Zune setting can't increas the kbs, so you would just have to rip them again if you want them to be higher. Even formats can make a difference. I am not sure how much we can really hear, but the audiophiles can chime in to help us.

Did you get the issue fixed with LastFM regarding the lock screen? I was going to see if it happened to me too, but I would have had to create an account with them to test it.
It's probably the quality you ripped them or "found" them at. I had this happen on my ipod touch too on my low quailty rips. There is also a setting to change the bitrate of the songs when put on your phone to 128kbs in the Zune settings. (or something like that. I don't have Zune on my work pc.) This could help with the up and down you hear. For example if you have a track encoded at .96kbs and one at 320kbs they may sound different. Now the Zune setting can't increas the kbs, so you would just have to rip them again if you want them to be higher. Even formats can make a difference. I am not sure how much we can really hear, but the audiophiles can chime in to help us.

Did you get the issue fixed with LastFM regarding the lock screen? I was going to see if it happened to me too, but I would have had to create an account with them to test it.
I actually downloaded these songs from Amazon! I didnt realize you could change hte bitrate from the Zune settings. Maybe I should give that a try. So what do it do on a phone that doesnt have any software required for it (when you can just add files to the phone like its a thumb drive)? Does it just get copied at the highest possible quality or is that a setting you would have to set on your phone?

The issue with may have been a fluke or something. Other apps like me pause and switch songs from the lock screen, so at least I know the phone isnt broken. I downloaded Pando Radio so I havent used much since then, but I will give it a shot and let you know.
I actually downloaded these songs from Amazon! I didnt realize you could change hte bitrate from the Zune settings. Maybe I should give that a try. So what do it do on a phone that doesnt have any software required for it (when you can just add files to the phone like its a thumb drive)? Does it just get copied at the highest possible quality or is that a setting you would have to set on your phone?

The issue with may have been a fluke or something. Other apps like me pause and switch songs from the lock screen, so at least I know the phone isnt broken. I downloaded Pando Radio so I havent used much since then, but I will give it a shot and let you know.
That is strange then. Are all the songs from Amazon? Amazon actually uses good quality for their downloads, compared to a few other providers out there.

Also, are you using headphones? I do find that for the music with headphones the audio has to be turned up pretty high. I do hope MS gives us a different setting for the volumes.

I do have the SRS turned on under settings.

I actually use TuneIn Radio. I moved from another state and missed my sports talk radio. Its free from them and it works, so I havent tried any of the other options. I do miss the option to record on the WP version.
I also seem to have problems with speaker phone. It doesnt seem like people can hear me very well, like I go in and out. Has anyone had this problem?
I just go a titan ii this weekend, so I'm still on the learning curve. I did notice a similar thing on my phone. When I play a game or use the maps navigation the volume is LOUD. I lower it to 1/30 and it is just low enough to be tolerable, but still noticeably loud. Also, I've noticed when I use my bluetooth headset (samsung wep870) the volume is a bit on the soft side even a 10/10. I would have to go to a quiet room to be able hear the other person. Any ideas on how to fix these issues?
I just go a titan ii this weekend, so I'm still on the learning curve. I did notice a similar thing on my phone. When I play a game or use the maps navigation the volume is LOUD. I lower it to 1/30 and it is just low enough to be tolerable, but still noticeably loud. Also, I've noticed when I use my bluetooth headset (samsung wep870) the volume is a bit on the soft side even a 10/10. I would have to go to a quiet room to be able hear the other person. Any ideas on how to fix these issues?

Yeah, I find the system volume at 1/30 is still sort of loud when I play Wordament.

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