Back up your PC with one (or two) of these six effective methods

Windows Central

WinC Bot
Staff member
Dec 17, 2013

Do it before it's too late!
Living in a digital world is a convenience we take for granted, but what happens when you lose the catalog of files you've so carefully built? Your photos are no longer kept in albums, and your music no longer sits on a shelf. Nevermind the sentimental stuff; recovering a PC from a virus or a complete drive failure can be a real pain if you haven't taken precautionary steps.
Dragging and dropping files onto a hard drive is enough for some people, but others need a more thorough backup, one that keeps everything organized and updated or that includes your OS. It's good practice to back up to two separate places; for example, cloud storage and an external drive. This protects you from many threats, including fires or floods that will do a number on your local storage. If you're wondering where to start, here are six great ways to back up the data on your PC.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...
Cale, I wouldn't recommend any cloud service as a backup solution, and certainly not One Drive, simply because these are always connected represented as another folder on your PC, so they would be affected by any virus that hits your computer. The safest backup option is always offline or over a network.

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