Battery Drain?


New member
Mar 5, 2005
After 5 years on Palm Treos, I have swapped to the darkside. This mogul is very cool, and I set up an exchange server and I am enjoying true push email.

However, I am having some battery draining issues. It seems to be from the text messages I receive. I get probably 150-200 text messages per day (from server monitoring systems) and I often do not check them immediately.

So, I had my phone sitting on my desk at work, and I notice that hte screen is on. Dim, but on nonetheless. So I watch it for a while and it sits there like that for a very long time. I have it set to turn off afer two minutes of no activity, but it seems to be disregarding that.

By the time I got home from the office, my battery was down to 10%! Now, my Treo 700p would get the same volume of messages, but I could go a couple of days between charging if I had to.

Is there some way to foce the mogul off? Is there something obvious I am missing?

simply click on Menu / Settings / System / Power. Then click on the tab at the bottom called "Advanced". Check mark box under "On Battery Power" and select how many minutes until the phone goes to sleep in the drop down box on the right. I would personally recommend 3 minutes, or less if it suits you okay.

I also make it a habit of pushing my power button to turn the screen off when I am not using it before I put it in my holster or pocket. This actually has two benefits. First I am not using power to light the screen while it is in my holster... second is that nothing can accidentally launch anything by rubbing against an active screen.

Should do the trick!
I've already got this set to 3 minutes, however, the screen never really goes off. It gets dim, but doesn't shut off. Is that the expected behavior?
Do the registry hacks below and it should give you a lot better battery life. I have been using these on my Mogul for quite a while now and it made a big difference for me. It changes some power settings and disables the IR Beam.






I also included this in a cab file in case you don't want to do the registry changes yourself.
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I second those reg hacks that stroths just shared! They work wonders. Also take a look at the article that Dieter linked to as there are quite a few tips in there that might help whatever is draining your battery.
i wasnt sure if they worked but last night i was on my browser/playing with many emails/slide out leyboard open whole time/changing themes many times/playing with pictures/ just trying to drain it down and for 3 hours it only dropped 10% which i think was very good since i believe it went down faster than that before. still new to xv6800 had it 2 weeks now came from treo 700wx and so far i love this phone so much more. the memory thing hasnt been really an issue since i use tman to control closing apps (have tried others but tman seems to be the best unless someone can tell me of a better one)
I second those reg hacks that stroths just shared! They work wonders. Also take a look at the article that Dieter linked to as there are quite a few tips in there that might help whatever is draining your battery.
In the above post, you mentioned an article from Dieter and a link. I did a search but had no luck finding it. Any suggestions? Thanks

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