Battery issues


New member
Nov 15, 2011
Hi everybody,
I am just wondering if anybody has an issue where the battery status is incorrect? For example, my battery will show as almost full and then shut down due to it being completely drained. Would this be a software issue or a hardware issue?

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Hi everybody,
I am just wondering if anybody has an issue where the battery status is incorrect? For example, my battery will show as almost full and then shut down due to it being completely drained. Would this be a software issue or a hardware issue?

Sent from my LG-E900h using Board Express

It's a software issue, not hardware. You need to make some adjustments to your phone, for example not to synchronize e-mail's that you are using it not so often to Manually, or to turn off "Synchronize with Zune" because you don't use games and etc. More about fixing your battery life you can find on MS site here!

Cell Phone Battery Life | Windows Phone 7 Battery Life | Increase Battery Life | Windows Phone 7

If you make all the above adjustements, you can have decent 3-4 days battery life.
Sounds like your battery meter is confused. You can try a couple full battery drain/full charge cycles, but a hard reset might be needed to correct the problem. Or your battery may have a problem. You could try powering off and pulling your battery for 30 seconds. That may help straighten things out.

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I noticed that after Mango, more people, not just LG users have the same issue. This is the problem that has some key components:

1. If you have Live Tiles and services that update their tiles on every half hour or 15 minutes;
2. If your Wi-Fi is non-stop ON
3. If you are not using battery saving mode

I am not talking about the battery indicator, cause after Mango the indication has some delay time before showing the right amount of battery life. This is programming error inside the code it self, because time for refreshing the battery status depends of the POWER button.

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