This might have been posted before, but I'm not sure. I just wanted to post this as a general tracking of my battery life. Right now 10 hours since last charge 11 hours/73% remaining
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What limit. I have 14 background tasks running on my Surround right now.Does that mean the Titan doesn't have the same 9 background task limit as the Focus S?
Still haven't charged the Titan yet. 22 hours since last charge. 54%/10 hours remaining
I think you're confusing background tasks with the live tiles. Even so I still thought there was a limit of either 10 or 15. If you go to background tasks and click advanced you'll see what all is running
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Hey guys a little help here. I've been reading the site for a while, and I finally got my HTC Titan the day it came out. So far, everything is great, except I'm a little unimpressed with the battery life. Today, for example, its been 3 hours since last charge, and I'm already down to 60% (even though it shows 22 hours remaining). I haven't made any phone calls. Just emails, whatsapp, twitter and web. I do have other apps installed, but I haven't used any of them today. Is this about normal? Or should I be concerned?
There have been reportss that there was a limit of 15 in nodo and before and now in mango its nine. With background agents I think the limit is supposed to be 5 or 6.
Have you been on it constantly during that 3 hrs? Any smartphone will drain pretty quickly if you're actively using it, as opposed to passively using it.
If you're just sitting there and getting your updates, then maybe this should be a concern. But if you've been reading your emails, twitter, and browsing the web for a large percentage of that time, then you're going to drain the battery pretty fast.