Been using an iphone the last few days and it is making me nuts


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Aug 14, 2011
I've got a micro sim card adapter on the way, and it can't get here soon enough to use my Focus again. This phone is making me nuts.

My contacts are all screwed up. I don't like the keyboard not having the suggested words list, it isn't as seemless to get in touch with people, jumping in and out of apps to do everything instead of having all my needs centralized is a pain and there isn't a back button. I also miss seeing the apps I have open holding the back button. Not having skydrive is annoying too.

I love having all of my games back, that has been great, I won't fudge on that. I've also had an easier time with podcasts and buying tv shows/movies on iTunes that aren't the Marketplace. There is also a little more functionality in evernote which I use quite a bit. I will admit I like not being concerned with hitting the search or back buttons on accident either. Capacitive is cool, but I'm a buttons guy.

If I was to rate satisfaction on a one to 10 scale on the iPhone:
Ease of using it as a communications device: 3

Gaming/Entertainment: 8

Hardware: 8, screen, phone itself just feels solid and the battery life has been pretty good. Charges faster too it seems. Although I don't like not having a camera button.

OS: 5

Business tool (docs, calendar, etc): 5

Syncing with iTunes: 5, I like the drag and drop feature, but I dislike not being able to delete things from the device without having to uncheck movies, apps, etc.

3,8,8,5,5,5 = 5.6/10

Ease of using it as a communications device: 10, miss the ease of pinned contacts to the home screen.

Gaming/Entertainment: 5-6 and not because of the app store but due to the lack of content in the Zune Marketplace (TV Shows, movies, etc).

Hardware selection: 6.5, I've had the Focus and Focus S. Both great phones, hopefully the popping issue gets taken care of as well as way to get around hitting the camera button. I see that hitting 8-10 with the Lumia's. Especially after they nail down the battery issue with a firmware upgrade. If Euro popularity tells us anything, that phone should do well here.

OS: 10, there are a couple of things I'd like in the next update like being able to access all messages, emails, voice mails in the "Me" hub.

Business tool (docs, calendar, etc): 9

9,5.5,7,10,9 = 6.8/10

As Zune gets more content, that score goes up for sure and its only a matter of time. Hardware will surely go to a much higher number once Nokia brings the Lumia here, and the 3rd gen Apollo phones come out.

The 2nd gen models are cool, but I've read a ton of bugginess with the Samsung models and a few tweeks that need to be made with the Titan. Storage capacity is a big one too to overcome.

If you could make the perfect windows phone and combine features from what has been released, I'd say it looks like this:
1) Hardware: Omnia 7
2) Screen: Focus S
3) Storage: Original Focus because you can expand it.
4) Multimedia capabilities: HTC Titan (camera, audio, etc)
5) Add the keyboard of the Arrive for fans of that as well.
I have an iPhone from work and a Titan as my personal device. I have no complaints on the Titan. This is the best device I have owned without question. I had the Focus when it came out, the HD7s when it came out, and I tried both 2nd gen Samsung phones before getting the Titan. My feelings on the hardware matched yours until I started using the Titan.
I hope the Nokia phones don't have the bugs and such I read the focus s and titan seem to be having. I play with my wife's iPhone some and I do the maintenance on it, and I think it's pretty nice but just when I start thinking I'd like to have one my trophy does something amazing.

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I hope the Nokia phones don't have the bugs and such I read the focus s and titan seem to be having. I play with my wife's iPhone some and I do the maintenance on it, and I think it's pretty nice but just when I start thinking I'd like to have one my trophy does something amazing.

Sent from my mwp6985 using Board Express

Don't be an early adopter then. My Lumia has locked up on me twice and randomly reset once in the past two weeks.

Always recovered with no issues, but even so.
Don't be an early adopter then. My Lumia has locked up on me twice and randomly reset once in the past two weeks.

Always recovered with no issues, but even so.

It's going to be a while before I can upgrade, so hopefully the bugs will be worked out by then. I hate the weak signal this trophy has but other than that and the disappearing keyboard its been a solid phone.

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For me...

1) Hardware Deaign: Nokia Lumia 800
2) Screen: HTC Titan (4.7" is awesome)
3) Storage: Original Focus because you can expand it. But fix the issue with only certain cards working, or make the correct cards readily available.
4) Multimedia capabilities: HTC Titan (camera, audio, etc)
5) Add the keyboard of the Dell Venue Pro for fans
6) Antenna: Lumia

This, of course, assumes we're only mixing WP devices.
For me...

1) Hardware Deaign: Nokia Lumia 800
2) Screen: HTC Titan (4.7" is awesome)
3) Storage: Original Focus because you can expand it. But fix the issue with only certain cards working, or make the correct cards readily available.
4) Multimedia capabilities: HTC Titan (camera, audio, etc)
5) Add the keyboard of the Dell Venue Pro for fans
6) Antenna: Lumia

This, of course, assumes we're only mixing WP devices.

have them make one of these for me too. :cool:

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