Before you drop $450 on the new Surface Pro Flex, check out the best deal I've ever seen on this keyboard and stylus bundle

That is a heck of a deal. Might have gone that direction when I got my Surface Pro 11/CoPilot +, had it been available. There are three things that the $450 Flex combo does get you. 1) as mentioned, the wireless option where you can use the Flex Keyboard detached. 2) the ergonomics are a bit different. When you fold the Pro up to angle the keyboard a bit, the Pen is hidden behind the fold. On the Flex, the Pen is exposed with it folded up for typing. The Pen is of course exposed on both if you have the keyboard(s) flat on the table. 3) this is subjective. The Flex is supposed to be stiffer. I agree, but it isn't earth shatteringly better. I kept my Surface Pro 8 with Pro keyboard so can compare directly.

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