Best Flash Cards app?


New member
Feb 7, 2013
Hello Everyone,

I'm looking for a good app that can make flash cards. There are three that I have tried out: Flash Card, Flashcards+, and My Flashcards. Unfortunately, these all seem to be a bit too basic. I would like the option of being able to manage my flash cards, i.e. move them from one group to another, set aside the ones that I got wrong, etc. This is mainly to learn German.

Is there anything like this out there? I don't mind paying. Thanks.
Are you searching the store for flashcards or German? maybe even try searching Allemand.
Thanks again. This app looks pretty good, but it isn't available in my region (Germany). Crud. Guess I'll just have to wait
Hello Everyone,

I'm looking for a good app that can make flash cards. There are three that I have tried out: Flash Card, Flashcards+, and My Flashcards. Unfortunately, these all seem to be a bit too basic. I would like the option of being able to manage my flash cards, i.e. move them from one group to another, set aside the ones that I got wrong, etc. This is mainly to learn German.

Is there anything like this out there? I don't mind paying. Thanks.

This is OT, but if you want to learn German, try to use Duolingo (it's not available for WP yet) ;)
Hello Everyone,

I'm looking for a good app that can make flash cards. There are three that I have tried out: Flash Card, Flashcards+, and My Flashcards. Unfortunately, these all seem to be a bit too basic. I would like the option of being able to manage my flash cards, i.e. move them from one group to another, set aside the ones that I got wrong, etc. This is mainly to learn German.

Is there anything like this out there? I don't mind paying. Thanks.


Try "flashcards" by Microsoft, as it allows you to make your own -- it was updated 3 weeks ago.
Try Fresh Memory. It is a flashcards application, which uses the Spaced Repetition method for learning (similar to SuperMemo and Anki). The flashcards can be created by the user or exported from CSV or text files. It supports images in the cards.

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