AMD managed to pack 32 cores on the Threadripper platform, allowing enthusiasts to enjoy massive amounts of performance with a physical single processor. Unlike Ryzen processors, Threadripper CPUs require a motherboard with a TRX40 socket and we've rounded up some recommendations for you to consider.
[h=3]Entry TRX40[/h]Staff pick
[h=4]Gigabyte Aorus Pro WiFi[/h]
It's priced way above what you'd normally payout on an AM4 motherboard, but this TRX40 board is actually one of the more affordable options for Threadripper 3000 series processors. This thing comes equipped with M.2 slots, 12+2 phase VRM design, as well as eight RAM slots.
Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...
[h=3]Entry TRX40[/h]Staff pick
[h=4]Gigabyte Aorus Pro WiFi[/h]
It's priced way above what you'd normally payout on an AM4 motherboard, but this TRX40 board is actually one of the more affordable options for Threadripper 3000 series processors. This thing comes equipped with M.2 slots, 12+2 phase VRM design, as well as eight RAM slots.
Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...