Best Screen Protectors for ATIV SE?


New member
Oct 10, 2012
Anyone have any experience with good screen protectors for the ATIV SE?

I'm looking for something that best replicates the smoothness of the glass on my new ATIV SE. I've tried the standard Verizon ones and the Illumishield premium ones from Amazon but both have a rubbery feel to them and my finger doesn't slide across them very smoothly at all. I also tried ordering the Tempered Glass ones from, but they don't cover the entire ATIV SE display (even though they are advertised for the device).

I just put an order in for the Realook ATIV SE protectors since Ive had luck with them for other phones in the past.

Does anyone have any other suggestions a super smooth, ultra clear screen protector for the ATIV SE? Or are people just going naked with it? :)

Any and all info is truly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Is no one using a screen protector? The Realook ones are also rubbery and not usable for me. Anyone else had any luck with other screen protectors?
I ended up getting the ones from Verizon since nobody seemed to have anything better. Mine was rubbery at first too, but I think it was just residual adhesive from the packaging. I wiped it off with a soft cloth (took a bit of elbow grease) and now it feels as smooth as the screen did without a screen protector.

I wrote to Phantom Glass asking if they are planning on making a screen protector for the ATIV SE, but haven't received a response yet... :(

I also asked my friend who runs an invisible shield store if they screen protectors for it, and he said that they could talk to Zagg about cutting one for the SE, but it might be another month or so before it happens. The woes of having an unpopular phone... :eck:
I ended up getting the ones from Verizon since nobody seemed to have anything better. Mine was rubbery at first too, but I think it was just residual adhesive from the packaging. I wiped it off with a soft cloth (took a bit of elbow grease) and now it feels as smooth as the screen did without a screen protector.

I wrote to Phantom Glass asking if they are planning on making a screen protector for the ATIV SE, but haven't received a response yet... :(

I also asked my friend who runs an invisible shield store if they screen protectors for it, and he said that they could talk to Zagg about cutting one for the SE, but it might be another month or so before it happens. The woes of having an unpopular phone... :eck:

Thanks for the info Erik. I ended up going with "MPERO Collection 5 Pack of Clear Screen Protectors for Samsung ATIV SE" that I found on Amazon for $9 with free prime shipping. They were the smoothest out of the box for me and I'm liking them so far.

I may give the Verizon ones an "official" go if these dont work out. I just went into the store to feel the front of the Verizon ones, so I didnt even peel the entire film off, let alone wipe down the front with some elbow grease.

I was hoping to find a Tempered Screen glass protector for this item, but the one I found is not technically made for this phone, its only compatible and doesnt fit correctly. I just upgraded my 822 to the ATIV SE and did all of the upgrades to 8.1.1 and Im loving the phone so far. Seems like a big upgrade. The only thing I lost was Glance, which Im trying to ween myself off of anyway. (Looking at my phone too much these days)

Overall, Im very happy. Might take a look at 735 if and when it ever comes out, but think I'll keep the ATIV SE for now.
Upgrades to 8.1.1? Did you install developer preview??

Yes, the developer preview. Sorry for not stating that specifically. That said, I've had it on there for a week now, using Bluetooth, camera, etc and I haven't had one lockup yet. Knock on wood & fingers crossed!
Got an S4 tempered glass screen protector from eBay, it fits pretty well. I very much prefer it to the 'plastic' stuff. My fingers aren't sticking to it etc...good buy, for about $4.00

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