Bing market share is stagnant despite multi-billion-dollar investment by Microsoft

How can search get better? The entire internet is: commercial sites, wikipedia, reddit, aggregation collectors, and pay-walled sites. There's only so many ways to slice this up.
My guess is that all this AI stuff is going to flop, just like virtual assistants did in general, then become a background service that businesses use. It'll be hyped at first, but then people will quickly lose interest. That's the problem with Microsoft and Google, they're putting all their eggs in one basket (AI), while abandoning/reducing non-AI innovation from their other hero products, which will result in falling behind. The reason why Apple does things well despite being lackluster at times, is because they keep things simple so it's easy to understand, and they wait until the feature is fully fleshed out before releasing to the customers, instead of treating them like beta testers (but yes, even they've become a bit guilty of this too lately). I also feel MS & Google are not great at marketing in general, especially the AI stuff like this. I can see them trying to appease to consumers, especially with Bing Chat. But it just feels lackluster and too busy. It sucks because I think Edge and Bing are far superior to Chrome to Google, but they just suck at marketing. I think they need a whole revamp of their marketing team and invest more into their marketing and testing.
My guess is that all this AI stuff is going to flop, just like virtual assistants did in general, then become a background service that businesses use. It'll be hyped at first, but then people will quickly lose interest. That's the problem with Microsoft and Google, they're putting all their eggs in one basket (AI), while abandoning/reducing non-AI innovation from their other hero products, which will result in falling behind. The reason why Apple does things well despite being lackluster at times, is because they keep things simple so it's easy to understand, and they wait until the feature is fully fleshed out before releasing to the customers, instead of treating them like beta testers (but yes, even they've become a bit guilty of this too lately). I also feel MS & Google are not great at marketing in general, especially the AI stuff like this. I can see them trying to appease to consumers, especially with Bing Chat. But it just feels lackluster and too busy. It sucks because I think Edge and Bing are far superior to Chrome to Google, but they just suck at marketing. I think they need a whole revamp of their marketing team and invest more into their marketing and testing.
Right. If the AI worked, then it would be working. The Adobe Photoshop AI fill-in tool is pretty much the only good example: it actually works and works like you think it would.
Gatekeeping it to Edge was probably the biggest reason why, but I'm curious how the Bing brand itself affected adoption. Bing has earned the reputation of being the subpar version of Google over the years. Maybe they should've rebranded it to something like Copilot.
Gatekeeping it to Edge was probably the biggest reason why, but I'm curious how the Bing brand itself affected adoption. Bing has earned the reputation of being the subpar version of Google over the years. Maybe they should've rebranded it to something like Copilot.
They will. And then Surface Copilot...Microsoft Copilot...Azure Copilot...Copilot with Azure...One Copilot...Copilot Copilot and finally we're back to Copilot.
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