Bought a Lumia 830 Unlocked and I need some help. Anyone?


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Mar 26, 2016
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Bought a Lumia 830 Unlocked and I need some help.

I bought my Lumia 830 Unlocked with $170 and told my brother to send it in my country. After receiving my phone I saw that it was AT&T unlocked device. It is a gorgeous and premium looking Special Edition Black & Gold device. Then problem started to arise.

Problem 1. There is no "Highest Connection Speed" in Cellular+SIM settings. 4G is always on and I can't change it to 2G. As it is from AT&T, they must have changed the firmware that way. Battery is draining fast in 4G.


Problem 2. In internet explorer's settings, I can't change my "default search provider". There is no such thing as "default search provider". I have been using Lumia 525 and this option was there.


Problem 3. The only reason I bought Lumia 830 was to upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile. Now, I can't update and I followed every step stated on Microsoft's website. It says that they are working with phone manufacturer and mobile operator to make the upgrade available.


Is there anyway to overcome this limitations. If so please tell me. Secondly, I am thinking about going to Microsoft's showroom and ask them to change the firmware to those they sell in my country. AT&T's firmware is no use to me now.

Thank you for reading such long post. Sorry for bad English.
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Nov 14, 2008
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Re: Bought a Lumia 830 Unlocked and I need some help.

At least one of your problems is possible to resolve, to upgrade to Windows 10 just download the windows insider app and use that to upgrade to the Production ring, its the same OS so you dont have to worry about getting the official update.

The message you see in the upgrade adviser is because ATT is taking their time to approve the update, as is usual for them. For your other issues, not sure if its possible to fix but if so hopefully someone else will post how.

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