So I read both of those articles. Interesting to say the least.
But I do have one question. As this is now iteration three or four for windows phone/mobile? I've lost count.
If other efforts have produced little to no interest and now MS is more or less 'forgotten' in the mobile space, my question is what can they do to even get people interested in what they bring out?
It doesn't matter if they have the best hardware or the best OS experience or anything else. At the end of the day people want to know what they can do with the device and how they can connect with their friends and family on other platforms. And, yes, apps. I'm sorry, but that's reality.
Unless they get developers and others on board we're in the same place as before.
Worst still is if they do intend to make Windows 10 mobile 'enterprise' and have CSHELL for mobile all that's going to do is confuse people. Which again, is nothing new for MS, they're experts at that.
I love new and exciting tech. It's the thing that drew me to Windows Phone 8. However, I'm at a loss what MS can do now to entice people over to use their devices. Not many people are that interested in a 'desktop' experience on mobile. So why use a Windows device? What's the advantage? What it's got that the consumer wants or needs or can't have elsewhere? These are the questions that MS needs to answer with whatever they do.
I'll keep watching as I'm curious but I don't personally see what will change people's minds.