Build 9879 is here!


New member
Apr 11, 2014
For fast adopters, build 9879 is available to download. Jumped straight in and pleased to say my surface pro is still operational.
Few issues, it reset the C:\program files\windowsapps permissions and messed up OneNote... had updated all store apps before update, then installed 9879, and it downgraded all the store apps, went to store to update and all but OneNote updated, OneNote kept giving me a 0x80246007... To solve I have to force my local user to be the owner on windowsapps, and OneNote directories, then I had to delete both OneNote directories, and reset WindowsUpdate (net stop wuauserv and bits delete softwaredistribution, net start wuauserv), did a wsreset, then attempt to re-install and it worked. Then also it reset my Trial key of Office 2013 (which was cool, why I am using trial is I do not want to waste my key on alpha build of Windows 10), it also lost it's product key so I had to reset the Windows 10 key and activate it... worked fine after that... still playing with it...
im happy with it but some of the icon changes idk that tiny battery icon and the new folders im not sure about at least PCz settings has more entriesUntitled2.png
what is that lol
is it just me or i just get the feeling in some future build that the explorer UI will get a more radical change ??? more modern some how with most of the new icons in tow ???

also on the lock screen battery icon has changed ... still too small but bigger than the system trey version.

i also noticed that the new folder icon is similar to a design i had posted here earlier with a new explorer ui design
i removed the useless search bar and windows seems more stable since the last build modern apps seemed to be acting up and turning black yada yada and random freezing so im liking this build

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