Buy an app without trying it out?


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Have you? Do you? I'm asking because I've noticed that I did it on the past two purchases, one being the #1 rated weather app and had awesome screen shots.
I've only ever bought one app without trying it first . That was the WPC App duvi.

Usually my notto is no try, no buy. :D
Lol at your motto.

I'm gonna stop doing that because the app isn't even working. I probably have to manually select my city as the "current location" option isn't working.

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I have done it pretty regularly when no trial is available. I have gotten screwed a few times with broken apps, but usually a dev with respond to my email comments and get a new, improved version out quickly. Its that .99 chance you take sometimes.

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Those chances for me are usually more than .99 cents with trials. Lol.

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I do it every time. I do research the app before buying, though. It's not like I'm rolling the dice on a $50 item. Most apps are a buck; I'm okay with risking that amount. If I don't wind up using the app, at least the developer is getting paid to improve an app that I now own, and may use in the future.
A lot of the times, the features you would test out are left out in the trial versions.

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Today I almost bought Harrison's 17e for $47.99 since it's "discounted", but the no-trial thing kept me from it. Then I realized I wouldn't be on rotations for a few months, so I may as well wait. Deferred decisions :lol:
I have only paid for XBL games and the YuleTile app. I wasn't expecting much from the YuleTile app, but thought the concept was cute and purchased it. I only buy XBL games on sale and only read reviews before purchase. Oh, except for PvZ, which I bought full price as soon as I got my phone. I LOVE that game.
I like the trial option. When I was on android I used tweetcaster pro for twitter and I really loved it. When I got the trophy I purchased it without trying because I thought it would have similar functionality, but unfortunately it doesn't have a notification system. Since then I've used the trial version first if possible.

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